(Magnoliophyta: Betulaceae) Betula Flashcards
What is the common name for Betula?
How many Betula species are native/naturalized in North America?
What subfamily does the genus Betula belong to?
List the common name(s) for:
Betula alleghaniensis (3)
Yellow birch
Bouleau jaune
List the common name(s) for:
Betula cordifolia (5)
Heartleaf birch
Mountain white birch
Bouleau Eagrave
Feuilles cordées
Bouleau blanc
List the common name(s) for:
Betula glandulosa (3)
Dwarf birch
Resin birch
Bouleau glanduleux
List the common name(s) for:
Betula kenaica
Kenai birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula lenta (2)
Sweet birch
Cherry birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula michauxii (3)
Newfoundland dwarf birch
Michaux’s birch
Bouleau de Michaux
List the common name(s) for:
Betula minor (2)
Dwarf birch
Bouleau mineur
List the common name(s) for:
Betula murrayana
Murray’s birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula nana (2)
Arctic dwarf birch
Bouleau nain
List the common name(s) for:
Betula neoalaskana (2)
Resin birch
Paper birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula nigra (2)
River birch
Red birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula occidentalis (2)
Water birch
River birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula papyrifera (6)
Paper birch
Canoe birch
White birch
Bouleau blanc
Bouleau Eagrave
List the common name(s) for:
Betula pendula (4)
Weeping birch
European white birch
Silver birch
Bouleau pleureur
List the common name(s) for:
Betula populifolia (6)
Gray birch
White birch
Fire birch
Bouleau Eagrave
Feuilles de pueplier
Bouleau gris
List the common name(s) for:
Betula pubescens (5)
Downy birch
Moor birch
White birch
European white birch
Hairy birch
List the common name(s) for:
Betula pumila (3)
Bog birch
Dwarf birch
Bouleau nain
List the common name(s) for:
Betula uber
Virginia roundleaf birch
List the scientific name for:
Yellow birch
Betula alleghaniensis
List the scientific name for:
Heartleaf birch
Betula cordifolia
List the scientific name for:
Dwarf birch/Resin birch/Bouleau glanduleux
Betula glandulosa
List the scientific name for:
Kenai birch
Betula kanaica
List the scientific name for:
Sweet birch
Betula lenta
List the scientific name for:
Newfoundland dwarf birch
Betula michauxii
List the scientific name for:
Dwarf birch/Bouleau mineur
Betula minor
List the scientific name for:
Murray’s birch
Betula murrayana
List the scientific name for:
Arctic dwarf birch
Betula nana
List the scientific name for:
Resin birch/Paper birch
Betula neoalaskana
List the scientific name for:
River birch/Red birch
Betula nigra
List the scientific name for:
Water birch/River birch
Betula occidentalis
List the scientific name for:
Paper birch/Canoe birch
Betula papyrifera
List the scientific name for:
Weeping birch/European white birch
Betula pendula
List the scientific name for:
Gray birch/Fire birch
Betula populifolia
List the scientific name for:
Downy birch/Moor birch
Betula pubescens
List the scientific name for:
Bog birch/Bouleau nain
Betula pumila
List the scientific name for:
Virginia roundleaf birch
Betula uber
How many species of Betula are represented by subspecies in North America?
State the species of Betula represented by subspecies in North America AND the number of subspecies for each species
Betula nana (2)
Betula pubescens (2)
State the scientific and common names of the subspecies of:
Betula nana (2)
Betula nana subsp. exilis (Arctic dwarf birch)
Betula nana subsp. nana (Arctic dwarf birch)
State the scientific and common names of the subspecies of:
Betula pubescens (2)
Betula pubescens subsp. pubescens (European white birch, downy birch)
betula pubescens subsp. tortuosa (Arctic downy birch, mountain birch)