Magma And Intrusive Structures Flashcards
Melting of source rocks
requires that the melt remains in contact with the residual rock throughout the melting process. As a result, the overall composition of the system remains the same
Equilibrium melting
Implies that solids and melt separate into isolated fractions that do not continue to react together during the melting process.
Fractional melting
Earth ’ s average geothermal gradient is?
∼ 25 ° C/km for the upper 10km
geothermal gradient variation for old rocks
Geo gradiemd for hotspots
30 to 50C/km
Decompression melting, also known as , results from a decrease in pressure.
adiabatic melting?
CO, CO2 , OH, SO2 , H2S, NH3 , K2O, Na2O, HCl and HF, as well as the elements H, F, Cl, S, He and Ar
A is an agent that reduces the melting temperature
H2O, CO2 , K2O and Na2O is the major cause for partial melting in subduction zones. T or f
original melt evolves into one or more melts with a different composition, without material being exchanged with an external source
processes whereby early formed crystals are segregated from the remaining melt
Fractional crystallization
father of modern petrology
Sill studied by bowen
Palisades sill
Coarse grained basalt
indicate incomplete discontinuous chemical reactions between crystals and melts
Rxn rims
Bc they do not react with the magma, continuously or discontinuously
muscovite, potassium feldspar and quartz
Models for fractional crystallization
marginal accretion, gravitational separation, convective fl ow and filter pressing.
Crystallization along the walls of the magma chamber
marginal accretion
includes crystal settling and crystal flotation processes
Gravitational separation
one parent magma fractionates to produce two or more distinctly different daughter magmas with different compositions
Liquid fractionation
Liquid fractionation processes include (2)
differential diffusion and liquid immiscibility
involves the preferential diffusion of select ions within the magma in response to compositional, thermal or density gradients as well as water content. Differential diffusion may play a key role in the transport and concentration of metallic ore deposits in plutonic systems
Differential diffusion
, also called liquid – liquid fractionation , occurs when magma separates into two or more distinct immiscible liquid phases
Liquid immiscibility
Forceful injection of magma commonly fractures the surrounding wall rock by a process called _ . Country rock fragments that fall ( stope ) into the magma are called_
stoping, xenoliths
involving multiple magma injections over time, produces complex relationships and constitutes an important diversification mechanism
Magma replenishment
occurs when two or more dissimilar magmas coexist, displaying contact relations but retaining their distinctive individual magma characteristics
Magma mingling
marble cake is caused by?
Magma mingling
implies thorough mixing so that the individual magma components are no longer recognizable. For example, felsic and mafi c magma can mix to produce an intermediate magma
Magma mixing
consists of genetically related magmas that have changed composition from a common original parental magma
magma series
Igneous rock series include: (2)
alkaline (or alkalic), and (2) sub - alkaline assemblages
high Na2O and K2O concentrations compared to SiO2 and are generally undersaturated with respect to SiO2
subalkaline series can be subdivided into (2)
calc alkaline and tholeiite suites
rocks have moderate to high Na2O, K2O and SiO2 concentrations
Calc alkaline
have low Na2O and K2O but high FeO and CaO concentrations
Standard references include
Chondrite, primitive mantle, NMORB, EMORB, OIB
Useful in demonstrating enrichment or depletion of compatible VS incompatible elements
Spider diagram
Depletion of europium indicates plag fractionation from melt. T or f
Enrichment of europium indicates assimilation of plag. T or f
Calc alkali series include
Dacite, rhyolite, andesite, high alumina basalt(16-50%al2o3)
Magmas that dominate convergent e.g. Circum pacific
Calc alk
Rocks in convergent margin volcanoes are known as?
Al203 (Inc, Dec) with crystallization of ferromag monerals(olivine, Pyro, amphi) then (Inc, Dec) with removal of plag and micas
Inc, dec
MgO and Fe203 (Inc, Dec) with crystallization of ferromag min
Cao (Inc, Dec) with crystallization of Calc plag
NaO (Inc, Dec) due to removal of ig MgO Fe203 CaO, then (Inc, Dec) as sodium plag crystallizes in andesitic and more silicic rocks
Inc, dec
Sio2 and k20 (Inc, Dec) as MgO Fe203 CaO na203 Al203 are progressively removed by crystallization
_magmas and basalts dominate extensional envi e.g. Ocean ridges and cont drifts
Tholeiites occur over Hotspot in intra plate settings and in frontal portions of immature (relatively young) volc. Arcs (characterized by thinning crust). T or f
Amphi mins from alkaline magmas include
Riebeckite, richterite
Pryxn mins from alkaline rocks
Aegerine, aegirine-augite, spodumene
Alkaline rocks
Alkali basalts, hawaiite, benmoreite, mugearite, trachyte, nephelinite, phonolite, lamprophyre, carbonatite, komatiite, kimberlite
Alkali rocks occurs in?
Stable cratonic interior, cont rifts, ocean islands away from spreading centers and subd zones ,
Both alkali and tholeiitic magmas occur at hotspots, ocean islands, Rift envi. T or f
Calc alkaline occur almost at convergent margins. T or f
Tholeiitic magmas generated at ocean spreading centers, in cont rifts, Backarc basins, ocean islands, hotspots. T or f
Alkaline magmas occur primarily at hotspots, ocean islands, Rift. T or f
Bomodal rifts occur at cont rifts. T or f
Magmas of Rift valley
Alk and bomodal
Volc. Arc magma
Calc. Alkali
Ocean Island magma
Tholeiitic and alkali
Ocean ridge magma