magic in the man Flashcards
[first line]
is he difficult? one could argue.
one could argue
there’s a challenge in every day.
there’s a challenge in every day.
if you think i don’t understand him give a listen to what i say.
give a listen to what i say
sometimes he’s like a tank full of laughing gas.
sometimes he’s like a tank full of laughing gas.
sometimes he’s like a pain in the ass!
sometimes he’s like a pain in the ass!
but there is magic in the man. Foolish magic in the man.
Foolish magic in the man.
and you, no doubt, are not about to break the spell.
…break the spell
when there is magic in a man, pay attention if you can.
…attention if you can
and maybe you will do just half as well.
…half as well
sometimes he bends the truth with a wrecking ball
wrecking ball
sometimes he’s bored with folks who think small.
folks who think small
i call it magic in the man, all the ways he’s better than
he’s better than
but all you see is him and me with miles to go
miles to go
(move down left& watch edward) if you saw magic in the man, rather than a battle plan, you might be glad that he’s the dad you know
who can live in a fantasy and never see what’s real
it’s a fantasy i can see so that’s it’s real appeal
it’s merely entertainment on a nonstop flight
what makes you so sure that you’re so right
what makes you so sure that you’re so right
there is magic in the man. foolish magic in the man. and you, no doubt, are not about to break the spell. no, there is magic in the man, maddening magic in the man
no, there is magic in the man, maddening magic in the man
but i worry son, that he’s begun to fall apart
he’s begun to fall apart
without the magic and the man, i’m right back where i began, a frightened girl with just a broken heart
just a broken heart
so even if it’s quick, please learn one little trick!
learn one little trick
and try to make the magic start