Maggie Quotes Flashcards
“Shouting above the…
…roar of water” Act 1
“No neck…
“Pigs at…
…a trough” Act 1
“Are totally childless and…
…therefore totally useless” Act 1
“The monster of…
…fertility” Act 1
“Still takes in my shape with…
…what I think is deserved appreciation!” Act 1
“Hand fluttering at her throat and her breast…
…and her long throat arched” Act 1
“Mae having been a cotton carnival queen…
…that’s one honour that I don’t envy her for” Act 1
“What are you thinking of…
…when you look at me like that?” Act 1
“I’ve gone through this hideous! - transformation…
…become - hard! Frantic!” Act 1
“Living with someone you love can be lonelier than…
…living entirely alone! If the one that y’love doesn’t love you” Act 1
“An alcohol rub…
…or cologne” Act 1
“The martyrdom…
…of saint Maggie” Act 1
“My hat is still in the ring…
…and I’m determined to win” Act 1
“What’s the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?…
…just staying on it I guess as long she can” Act 1
…on me” Act 1
“I’m not living with you…
…we occupy the same cage” Act 1