MACRS Asset Life Classifications Flashcards
Any qualified restaurant property
15-yr property
Office machinery (typewriters, calculators, copiers)
5-yr property
Farm buildings
20-yr property
Geothermal, solar, and wind energy property
5-yr property
Ag machinery and equipment
7-yr property
Non-race horse over 12 yrs old when placed in service
3-yr property
5-yr property
Fruit-bearing tree/vine
10-yr property
Water utility property
25-yr property
Any qualified leasehold improvement property
15-yr property
Natural gas gathering line placed in service after April 11, 2005
7-yr property
Initial clearing and grading land improvements for gas utility property
15-yr property
Motorsports entertainment complex property placed in services before 2017
7-yr property
Rent-to-own property
3-yr property
Automobiles, taxis, buses, trucks
5-yr property
Residential real property
27.5-yr property
Municipal sewers not classified as 25-yr property
20-yr property
Any telephone distribution plant and comparable equipment used for 2-way exchange of voice and data communications
15-yr property
Certain improvements made directly to land or added to it
15-yr property
Breeding and dairy cattle
5-yr property
Office furniture and fixtures (desks, files, safes)
7-yr property
Any retail motor fuels outlet
15-yr property
Natural gas distributing line placed in service after April 11, 2005
15-yr property
Qualified small electric meter/electric grid system
10-yr property
Nonresidential real property
39-yr property
Appliances, carpets, furniture, used in residential real estate activity
5-yr property
Railroad track
7-yr property
Race horse over 2 yrs old when placed in service
3-yr property
Single-purpose ag or horticultural structure
10-yr property
Any municipal wastewater outlet
15-yr property
Initial clearing and grading land improvements for electric utility transmission and distribution plants
20-yr property
Electric transmission property (section 1245) producing 69+ kilovolts of electricity, placed in service after April 11, 2005
15-yr property
Property w/out designated class life
7-yr property
Tractor units for over-the-road use
3-yr property
Any property used in R&D
5-yr property
Vessels, barges, tugs, other water transportation equipment
10-yr property
Any qualified retail improvement property
15-yr property