Macronutrients Flashcards
What are macro-nutrients?
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These three types of nutrient are needed in the body in large quantities.
What is protein needed in the body for?
Growth, repair and maintenance of the body.
G - growth of nails, hair and muscle mass
R - repair of parts of the body e.g. muscle, tissue and organs after illness or injury
M - to make enzymes for digestion and antibodies to stop us from becoming ill
Can you state 3 foods that are high in protein?
Meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, pulses, seeds and beans.
What is protein made up of?
Amino acids.
What are non-essential amino acids?
Amino acids that our bodies can make themselves.
What are essential amino acids?
Amino acids that our bodies can’t make by themselves.
What are HBV proteins?
High biological value (HBV) proteins are foods that contain all the essential amino acids our body needs.
Can you state 3 foods that are often HBV protein foods?
Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, soya beans and quinoa.
Most HBV foods are found in animal sources.
What are LBV proteins?
Low biological value (LBV) proteins are foods that do not contain all of the essential amino acids we need but contain some.
Can you state 3 foods that are often LBV protein foods?
Peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and most beans.
Most LBV foods are found in plant sources.
What is protein complementation?
When you combine 2 or more LBV proteins to get all of the essential amino acids in our diet.
On average how much protein should the average male and female have each day?
Men - 55g
Women - 45g
Can you state 2 reasons why people may require more protein in their diet?
Growing children need more protein to increase their body mass and size.
Those who complete a high level of physical activity need more protein for muscle growth and repair.
Pregnant women need on average 6g more of protein than normal for their baby to grow. If breastfeeding, women require even more protein.
What problems could occur if excess protein is consumed in the diet?
Pressure and strain can be caused on the liver and kidneys. These organs help process protein.
State 3 problems that could occur with a protein deficiency?
Slow down in growth, especially common in children.
Hair, skin and nails will slow down in growth and will get into poor condition.
The immune system will stop working properly, meaning wounds will not heal as quickly, therefore meaning that people will be more susceptible to infection.
People could struggle to digest food properly.
What illnesses are linked with protein deficiency?
Oedema - this is a build up of fluid in the body that causes swelling, often around the feet.
Kwashiorkor can develop in severe cases. This is often seen in malnourished children, often with swollen abdomens.
Can you state three sources of alternative proteins?
Soya - HBV source of protein that can be eaten whole in salads, used to make soya milk and mused to make other protein alternatives e.g. tofu and TVP.
Mycoprotein - foten made from a mushroom-like fungus and egg whites. Vegan alternatives are available now. Common example is Quorn.
TVP - Textured Vegetable Protein (often made from soya).
Tofu (made from curdling soya milk).
What is fat needed in the body for?
Give at least 3 uses.
Energy (twice as much energy per gram as proteins and carbs).
Source of fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK).
Insulation (fat forms an insulating layer under our skin which keeps us warm.
Layers of fat protect bones and organs (e.g. heart and kidneys).
Fat helps our body create cholesterol, which is an essential part of all cell membranes.
What are fats made up of?
Fatty acids and glycerol in the form of triglycerides.
Triglyceride = 1 glycerol & 3 fatty acids
What are fatty acid chains made up of? (2 elements)
Carbon and hydrogen atoms.
What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
Saturated fatty acids only have single C-C bonds in their chain.
Unsaturated fatty acids have one or more C=C bonds in their chain.