Macroeconomics Year 1 Key Words Flashcards
A change in the level of new capital goods is induced by a change in the rate of growth of national income or aggregate demand.
Actual output
Level of real output produced in the economy in a particular year, not to be confused with the trend level of output. The trend level of output is what the economy is capable of producing when working at full capacity. Actual output differs from the trend level of output when there are output gaps.
Aggregate demand
The total planned spending on real output produced within the economy.
Aggregate supply
The level of real national output that producers are prepared to supply at different average level price levels.
Availability of credit
Funds available for households and firms to borrow.
Balance of payments
A record of all the currency flows into and out of a country in a particular time period.
Balance of payments equilibrium (or current account equilibrium)
Occurs when the current account more or less balances over period of years.
Balance of trade
The difference between the money value of a country0s imports and its exports. Balance of trade is the largest component of a country’s balance of payments on current account.
Balance of trade in goods
The part of the current account measuring payments for exports and imports of goods. the difference between the total value of exports and the total value of imports of goods is sometimes called the ‘balance of visible trade’.
Balance of trade in services
Is part of the current account and is the difference between the payments for the exports of services and the payments for the imports of services.
Balance of trade surplus
The money value of a country’s exports exceeds the money value of its imports.
Balance budget
Achieved when government spending equals government revenue. (G=T)
Bank of England
The central bank in the UK economy which is in charge of monetary policy.
Bank Rate
The rate of interest the Bank of England pays to commercial banks on their deposits held at the Bank of England.
Budget deficit
Occurs when government spending exceeds government (G>T). This represents a net injection of demand into the circus¡lar flow of income and hence a budget deficit is expansionary.