Macroecology Flashcards
The statistical and theoretical study of generalised ecological patterns at large spatial and temporal scales
The interaction between ecology and geography examining patterns that span continents
Vast amounts of data collated to determine the trends of life atmacroscopic levels
Highly theoretical – essential for largescale understanding of human impact on ecosystems
Includes Historical biogeography
Why is it important?
Understanding the past helps us to predict the future
Macroecology aims to understand the principles of biodiversity and how things such as climate, anthropological interference and ecological dynamics come together to determine distribution of species. Aiming to understand large scale migration patterns and species interactions to predict species distribution changes in the future.
Methodology and approach
Macroecology has a largely statistical basis
Datasets take up many forms:
- Maps
- Correlations/Associations
- Temporal
(and more)
Statistical softwares (R, SPSS, Stata,etc.) and GIS softwares are essentialin the study of modern macroecology.Large-scale ecology has some methodological parameters to consider.
Time, space, taxonomy central to ecological study – to be macroecological at least one of these must be large ranging data
Metrics of scale
consider grain and extent
Reductionist vs emergent approach
The Reductionist Approach (bottom-up)
Finds observational trends
+ The traditional approach to large-scale ecology
+ Helpful in understanding inner workings of a system
Some systems are too complex for this approach:
- It may ignore external influences that affect a character
- upscaling can result in Jensen’s Inequality
- Scaling up non-linear, heteroscedastic data is often ineffective. Approximate at best
Macroecology aims to focus on emergent patterns to understand the origin of the trends we see in nature
Emergent approach (top-down )
employs top-down data analysis considering the set as a whole
How is it studied
Observational data Principal for finding certain trends (e.g. patterns of species at geographic scales)
Natural experiments/ experiments in nature
– natural and human caused events that cause changes in a system e.g. earthquakes or introduction of invasive species
- NSEs and NTEs (Natural Snapshot/Trajectory Experiments)
Manipulative Experiments- Controlled experiments. Not as common, but applicable to field and laboratory-based microcosms
Statistical considerations
Lack of control variables within observational and natural experiments may require different approaches.
- Null Hypothesis Tests
- Information-Theoretic Approach using models
- Multivariate Approach
Acknowledging autocorrelation is important
- Phylogenetic – due to similar species genetics
- Spatial – due to overlap
Patterns: Change in traits along spatial and temporal scales
Macroecology explores how characteristics of species change across geographic ranges and evolutionary time scales.
One example of this is the latitudinal diversity gradient
Another example is how species morphology changes across geographic range
Bergmann’s rule: individuals in colder parts of a species geographic range are often large
Allen’s rule: individuals in colder parts of a species geographic range often have shorter, thicker limbs.
Patterns: covariation of attributes
Understanding how two traits change together is important in macroecology.
One example is the covariation of population density and individual body size.
- In general, population density decreases with body size.
- As body size is linked to metabolic rate this suggests that different species use a similar amount of energy as others in their population.
Metabolic theory suggests that metabolic rate connects many ecological patterns.
Metabolic theory
Kleiber’s law:
- Mammalian metabolic rate scales to ¾ power of its mass
- Greater rate of resources used by individuals of smaller metabolic rate means there is less space in the nice
- so smaller organisms and organisms with higher body temp have higher metabolic rate
Bergmanns rule example : bats
Morphological difference between different sites
Dispersal barriers lower so found where best suited
Allopatric sites studied with a 6.9 degrees c variation in temp
Colder temp determined larger size
Latitude and longitude example of latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG)
Coral species are connected across two oceans
Richness is higher in the east
Bell curve due to many widely dist species or many specific location species
Species richness due to easterly ocean currents so richer in east than west
Coral triangle thought to contribute
Temporal macroecology example orchids
5,000 taxa of Orchidoidae, first identified 112 Mya in Australia.
Variation in distribution
Increased speciation primarily due to cooling cycles
Inconsistent rate of species accumulation
Correlation between speciation rate and cooling temp?
Link between speciation and coldness – higher speciation rate in cold areas?
Maintaining Ecosystem function
-Effect of climate change on global fisheries potential
-Range shifts leading to unequal distribution
-Impacts on fishery-dependent communities
-Food availability and security
conservation and maintaining biodiversity
- by identifying large-scale patterns