Macro Econ Flashcards
Test 1
To obtain more than one thing, society sacrifices the opportunity of getting the next big thing
Opportunity costs
The allocation of limited goods
Comparisons of marginal benefits and marginal costs, usually for decision making
Marginal analysis
Is concerned with making individual customers, workers, households, and business firms
Examines the performance and behavior of the economy as a whole
A larger total output
Economic growth
A particular set of institutional arrangements and a coordination mechanism- to respond to the economizing problem
Economic system
Economic systems differ as to
Economic systems differ as to
1. Who owns the factors of production
2. The method used to motivate, coordinate, and direct economic activity
Also known as the capitalist or the mixed economy
Market system
Is characterized by the mixture of centralized government economy is incentives and decentralized actions taken by individuals and firms
Market system
Place where buyers and sellers come together to buy and sell goods, services and resources
Couples with the freedom to negotiate binding legal contracts, enables individuals and businesses to obtain, use, and dispose property resources as they see fit
Private property
The determination by customers the types and quantities of a good and service that will be produced with the scarce resources of the economy
Customer sovergnty
The tendency of competition to cause individuals and firms to unintentionally but quite effectively promote the interests of society even when each individual or firm is only attempting to pursue its own interests
Invisible hand
Illustrates those flows for a simplified economy in which there is no government
The circular flow diagram
All natural resources used in the production process
Resource consists of the physical actions and mental activities that people contribute to the production of goods and services
All manufactured aids used in producing consumer goods and services
To describe spending that pays for the production and accumulation of capital goods
Do so indirectly by aiding the production of consumer goods
Capital good