MACRO Aims: 4. Balance of Payments Flashcards
Describe components of the UK Balance of Payments
Describe the possible impact of less cars being produced in England on the UK Balance of Payments’ Current Account
Describe recent trends in the UK Balance of Payments
What can governments do to improve the Balance of Payments?
Explain the impact of the weak exchange rate of Sterling on the UK Balance of Payments
Explain factors that may have caused Scottish export volumes to rise.
Describe how demand and supply for sterling can automatically correct a deficit in the UK’s Current Account of the Balance of Payments
Describe what is meant by “exports of textiles”
Your response must make reference to information provided in the article.
Describe the effect of increased sales of Scottish textiles to China on the UK’s Balance of Payments.
Describe the ways in which the UK government could improve competitiveness for new Scottish clothing manufacturers.