Macro 4 Flashcards
What are the main function of money? Explain each function
Medium of Exchange
- often need to barter
- Double coincidence of wants, qty must satisfy both sides
Unit of account
- a measuring stick for valuing goods, services, assets and liabilities on a common basis.
- monetary value of items compared against one another(record-keeping, accounting, decision making)
Store of value
- keep money today to be spent
- money in the hand is an asset
- part of asset portfolio
What is double coincidence of wants?
requires that each party desires the other party’s goods on offer
commodities were used as money, with their _________ anchoring their ____________
intrinsic value
exchange value
Most of money in modern economies are entries in _________
digital ledgers
_______representing a ________ on commodities in storage are convenient to use for transactions
What is fiat money ? What does its value depend on ?
- money with no intrinsic value. Govt (fiat=govt decree) can create acceptability by decreeing a currency to be legal tender, i.e. recognized by law as valid for payments, and by mandating its use for paying taxes
- ## depends on peoples’ willingness to accept it in payment
What is hyperinflation?
sustained inflation rate > 50% per month
What causes hyperinflation? What do governments do to prevent this?
With the advent of fiat money, governments can potentially finance budget deficits by “printing money. But undisciplined money creation can cause hyperinflation
Govt impose rules on themselves to avoid the temptation. Power to create money is delegated to a central Bank
What is m1? What does it include ?
Financial assets that can be used as medium of exchange. consist of currency in circulation and demand deposits
currency in circulation: excludes cash in bank vaults and ATMs
demand deposits: deposits that are used for making transaction
What is M2?
M1+ “very liquid assets” (include savings deposits, small time (fixed) deposits, negotiable certificates of deposit)
because of deep market for buyer and sellers
What is M3?
M2+ liquid assets (nclude large time deposits, term repos, term
Eurodollar deposits)
Which money aggregate has the highest liquidity?
What is liquidity?
more quickly an asset can be sold for currency, with as little impact on its selling price , the more liquid the asset is
What are financial intermediaries? How do they earn a profit?
Middleman between savers and borrower(include banks)
charging a spread between the interest rate they pay to savers and interest rate they obtain from borrowers
Why are insurance financial intermediaries?
Interaction with insurance company is as customer sopaying premium to get insured
But they ue part of premium to pay off claims, and remainder used to buy financial assets to get borrower
List reasons why we should use financial intermediaries
Expertise at evaluating and monitoring borrowers : due to specialisation
Ability to finance large projects: Easy to finance Borrower deals with bank Bank pools funds from many savers
Risk to saver: Low risk Diversified across many borrowers
Liquidity for saver: Deposits are liquid
What are financial markets?
lending and borrowing of funds are conducted
Market for bank loans, and organized markets where securities (tradable financial instruments) are bought and sold
What type of market is a stock exchange?
secondary market
What are securities?
Financial instrunment standardiseed so can be traded
What is a bond?
tradable debt security representing a promise to repay borrowed funds
traded in the bond market
What benefits do securities markets bring?
- provide competition to financial intermediaries as an alternative means to save and borrow
- Can diversify risk across many makrets
What are assets, liabilities and equities?
asset: what entity own
liability: what the entity owes
equity: asset-liabilities
Are balanace sheets a stock or flow variable?
What is balance sheet and its changes presented as? Where to place asset, liability and equities?
aassets on left, liability and equity on right