Macro 1 Flashcards
Accelerator effect
The relationship between the change in new investment and the rate of change of national income
Total planned expenditure in the economy C I G X-m
The total value / amount of g and s supplied in an economy
Balance of payments
A record of a country’s international transactions over a year
Balance of trade
Visible exports minus visible imports
Balanced budget
Where government receipts equal government spending in a fiscal year
Bank rate
The IR set by the BoE
A method used by the government to finance. Budget deficit, issued in return for money and interest
Period of above average short run economic growth
Broad money
Money held on banks and building societies that is not immediately accessible
Budget deficit
Where gov spending exceeds gov receipts in a fiscal year
Budget surplus
Where gov receipts exceed gov spending a fiscal year
Central bank
The financial institution typically responsible for setting short term interest rates and issuing notes and coins
Circular flow of income
Model explaining the equilibrium level of national income
Claimant count
A measure of unemployment- the number claiming unemployment benefits
Spending by domestic households on g and s
Cost push inflation
Where increases cost of production result in firms increasing there prices , leading to an increase in the general price level
Consumer price index - target measure for inflation by the MPC of the BoE
Credit crunch
When borrowing becomes more expensive or unavailable
Current account
Part of the BoP which looks at the net income flows earned through either trade in G and S or the reward from investments located overseas
Current account deficit
Where the flows of money from trade and other incomes out of the country are greater than the equivalent flows into the country
Cyclical unemployment
Demand deficient unemployment that results from a downturn in the economic cycle
A situation where the general price level falls
A fall in the proportion of national output acccountdd for by the manufacturing sector of the economy
Demand management
Using monetary and fiscal policy to control AD to minimise fluctuations in the economic cycle
Demand pull inflation
Where AD exceeds AS leading to an invrease in the price level
Demand side shock
Unexpected and significant changes in the level of AD
The process of removing gov controls from markets
Direct tax
One that cannot be passed on to another person and is usually levied on incomes
Where the rate of inflation is falling but still positive
Discretionary fiscal policy
The deliberate manipulation of gov spending and taxation to influence the economy
Disposable income
Income available to households after the payment of income tax and national insurance contributions
Period of the economic cycle where short run economic growth falls from above average to below average
Economic cycle
The tendency for economic growth to fluctuate over time
Economic shock
Sudden, unexpected events that will affect the macroeconomy in a significant way
Exchange rate
The price of one currency expressed in terms of another