Machining Fundamentals Flashcards
Class notes
is there wastage of material in machining
there is no wastage of material in rolling,forging,casting, but there is in machining
whats the main diff. from rolling,forging extrusion and machining
deforming and removing material
what is an abrasive process
material removal by hard, abrasive particles. i.e grinding
what is non traditional processes
various energy forms other than sharp cutting tool to remove material. i.e lasers, edm)electric/mechanical power)
material removal process
machining is important to remove stock material (steel bar, aluminim plate etc)
chips are the peices that fly away
what does the cutting action of machining involve
shear deformation of work material to form chips
rake face difect the flow of material(the chip) out of the cut zone
flank: has a relief/clearnace angle to prevent the cutting tool from coming into contant to new surface
alpha-rake angle: can be either positive(clockwise) negatuve(anti)
machining is important becuase…
-good surface finish
-good for prototypes and mold (dies for casting)
- variety in shape(screwes)
-good dimensional accuracy
the greatest disadvantage is…
waste of material and time consuming since youre removing layer by layer
types of machining operations
- turning
- workpeice is rotating
speed: surface speed of work
- increase diamater, spead increases
feed: tool is fed paralell to the work axis
depth of cut: Tool penetrated beneath original work surface (how much it goes beneath the surface)
- Milling
cutting tool is rotating: rotating multiple cutting edge tool is moved across work to cut a plane or straight surface
2 forms: peripheral face and milling face
feed: work feeds in the direction perpendicular to the tool axis
depth of cut is tool penetrates beneath original surface
3. Drilling
speed is defines by drill bit diameter
it is fed parallel to the tool axis
depth is depth of hole
examples: sawing, shaping and planing, broaching, grinding
turning : workpiece is rotating
single point cutting operation
drilling/milling: cutting tool is roating
multipoint cutting operation
what is the equation for material removal rate?
R_MR= vfd
v= cutting speed
d=depth of cut
rough finishing: higher removal rate
final finish: lower removal rate
rough cut + finish cut =
accurate size and good surface finish
cutting fluid is…
applied to cool and lubricate the cutting tool (depends in work material and tooling)
is the cutting tool harder or softer than the work peice material?
orthogonal cutting (2d cutting)
Tool Edge perpendicular to the movement of the tool
- chips slide over the tool
- uses wedge shapes tool-cutting edge perpendicular to the direction of cutting speed
- chip is formed by shear deformation along a plane called the shear plane
describe the orthogonal cutting model
T_o= thickness of the chip prior to chip formation
T_c= thickness of chip after formation
L_s= length of shear plane
ratio : r=T_o/T_c «««< 1
what is the significance of the shear angle
it affects force and power requirements, chip thickness, and temperature
orthogonal cutting equations
T_o= L_ssin(phi)
T_c= L_scos(phi-alpha)
Normal stress equation
shear stress equation