Machine Learning - Initialize Model Flashcards
One-Class Support Vector Machine:
Anomaly Detection
Creates a one-class support vector machine model for anomaly detection.
This module is particularly useful in scenarios where you have a lot of “normal” data and not many cases of the anomalies you are trying to detect. For example, if you need to detect fraudulent transactions, you might not have many examples of fraud that you could use to train a typical classification model, but you might have many examples of good transactions.
You use the One-Class Support Vector Model module to create the model, and then train the model using the Train Anomaly Detection Model. The dataset that you use for training can contain all or mostly normal cases.
You can then apply different metrics to identify potential anomalies. For example, you might use a large dataset of good transactions to identify cases that possibly represent fraudulent transactions.
PCA-Based Anomaly Detection:
Anomaly Detection
Creates an anomaly detection model by using Principal Component Analysis.
This module helps you build a model in scenarios where it is easy to obtain training data from one class, such as valid transactions, but difficult to obtain sufficient samples of the targeted anomalies.
For example, to detect fraudulent transactions, very often you don’t have enough examples of fraud to train on, but have many examples of good transactions. The PCA-Based Anomaly Detection module solves the problem by analyzing available features to determine what constitutes a “normal” class, and applying distance metrics to identify cases that represent anomalies. This let you train a model using existing imbalanced data.
Multiclass Decision Forest:
Creates a multiclass classification model by using the decision forest algorithm.
Multiclass Decision Jungle:
Creates a multiclass classification model by using the decision jungle algorithm.
Multiclass Logistic Regression:
Creates a multiclass logistic regression classification model.
Multiclass Neural Network:
Creates a multiclass classification model by using a neural network algorithm.
One-vs-All Multiclass:
Creates a multiclass classification model from an ensemble of binary classification models.
Two-Class Averaged Perceptron:
Creates an averaged perceptron binary classification model.
Two-Class Bayes Point Machine:
Creates a Bayes point machine binary classification model.
Two-Class Boosted Decision Tree:
Creates a binary classifier by using a boosted decision tree algorithm.
Two-Class Decision Forest:
Creates a two-class classification model by using the decision forest algorithm.
Two-Class Decision Jungle:
Creates a two-class classification model by using the decision jungle algorithm.
Two-Class Locally Deep Support Vector Machine:
Creates a binary classification model by using the locally deep Support Vector Machine algorithm.
Two-Class Logistic Regression:
Creates a two-class logistic regression model.
Two-Class Neural Network:
Creates a binary classifier by using a neural network algorithm.
Two-Class Support Vector Machine:
Creates a binary classification model by using the Support Vector Machine algorithm.
K-Means Clustering:
Configures and initializes a K-means clustering model.
Bayesian Linear Regression:
Creates a Bayesian linear regression model.
Boosted Decision Tree Regression:
Creates a regression model by using the Boosted Decision Tree algorithm.
Decision Forest Regression:
Creates a regression model by using the decision forest algorithm.
Fast Forest Quantile Regression:
Creates a quantile regression model.
Linear Regression:
Creates a linear regression model.
Neural Network Regression:
Creates a regression model by using a neural network algorithm.
Ordinal Regression:
Creates an ordinal regression model.
Poisson Regression:
Creates a regression model that assumes data has a Poisson distribution.