Machine Learning Basics Flashcards
What is a machine learning algorthim
An algrothim that learns from data.
Name the most common Machine Learning tasks
The common tasks are classification, classification with missing input, regression, transcription, machine translation, structured output, anomaly detection, synthesis and sampling, imputation of missing values, denoising, density estimation or probability mass function estimation
What is the classification machine learning task?
A task that catagorizes inputs into k seperate catagories. It predicts a function that takes in a vector of n real values. Alternatively, the output of the function may be the probability distribution over the catagories.
What is the classification with missing inputs machine learning task?
This is a classification task where all the inputs are not gaurnteeded to be present in every example. A naive approach is to learn the set of functions, where each function corresponds to an input containing a subset of the original input. These subsets represent different inputs missing. A more sophisticated approach is learning the probability distribution over all inputs. Use marginalizing to remove the missing inputs. Therefore, only one joint probability distribution is learned and we don’t need to learn 2^n functions for n inputs.
What is the regression machine learning task?
This machine learning task takes a vector of real numbers and produces real number. It predicts a single value given a set of input.
What is the transcription machine learning task?
This machine learning task takes in unstructed signal data like audio or images and produces textual information. For example, aduio waves turned into words or images of addresses turned into text.
What is the machine translation machine learning task?
This machine learning tasks takes a sequence of symbols and translates them into another sequence of symbomls. Think of natural language translation.
What is the structured output machine learning task?
This machine learning task involves all tasks where the output is a vector. or collection of data where the relationship between elements in the data is important. This task includes the transcription and translation tasks. Think of an image captioning system where the words must form a valid sentence.
What is the Anomaly detection machine learning task?
This machine learning tasks shift through data containing objects or events and identifies which are anomalies. Think of credit card fraud detection.
What is the synthesis and sampling machine learning task?
This is a machine learning task where the algorhtim produces an example that is similar to the provided data set.
What is the imputation of missing values machine learning task?
This machine learning task is given a new example with some entries missing. The machine learning algorithm must fill in the missing values.
What is the denoising machine learning task?
This machine learning task takes in a corrupted (or noisy signal) and predicts it’s correlating clean signal.
What is the density estimation or probability mass function estimation machine learning task?
This type of machine learning task creates a probability mass function or probability density function over the set of all inputs.
What are unsupervised learning algorithms?
An algorithm that experiences the entire data set and identifies useful properties and structure. Typically, the entire probability distribution of the underlying data set is desired. However, this may not be explicitly solved for as in the denoising task. Other times, the algorithm clusters similar data.
What are supervised machine learning algorithms?
An algorithm that experiences the entire data set, but where the dataset is labeled. Classification is a common example of supervised machine learning.
Describe supervised and unsupervised algorithms in terms of the corresponding probability function they are attempting to predict.
Supervised algorithms predict the output given some input or conditional probability. Unsupervised algorithms predict the probability density function governing the underlying data.
What is the mean squared error of a predicator?
A function which evaluates the error between a predicted vector and an actual vector. It compares the values of each vector, summing their square.
If we have two vectors y and x, the mean squared error is the Euclidian distance of y - x divided by the number of elements. The Euclidian distance is just L2 norm squared or the sum over all components of the difference between y and x, squared: SUM (i, (y_i - x_i) ^ 2). The total is
1/m * SUM (y_i - x_i) ^ 2)
Mean Squared Error of a Predictor
What are the i.i.d. assumptions?
The assumption the data in a data set are independent of one another and that the training set and testing set are identically distributed. To be identically distributed means that the data comes from identical probability distributions. This allows for the test and train data to be drawn from the same underlying distribution.
What is underfitting?
When a model does not achieve a low enough error value for the training data.
What is overfitting?
When the gap in error value between the training data and test data is too large.
What is the hypothesis space of a machine learning model?
All the hypothetical functions the machine learning model can select from. For a linear regression model, this space is all linear functions of its input. The capacity of a