MacCaig Poems + Critical Essay 'The Metamorphosis' Flashcards
What is the general introduction starter?
Franz Kafka’s captivating timeless classic ‘the metamorphosis’, written in 1912, explores existentialism through surreal transformation of the protagonist Gregor Samsa, into an insect. Such a change enables him to embody the vermin he is treated as those around hi, and strips him out of his humanity in the eyes of his family.
Anatations/quotation to Aunt Julia first two lines?
‘Aunt Julia spoke Gaelic very loud and very fast.’
‘Aunt Julia’ - as the first words in the poem it suggests the importance she was to him/the immediacy of the memories.
‘Spoke Gaelic’ - suggests she unique/different, it is also the orginal dialect of Western Scotland.
‘Very’ - repetition suggests and extroverted character, strength and personality.
What is the main theme of Assisi?
Hypocrisy of the church
What is the main theme of Aunt Julia?
Isolation of both MacCaig and Aunt Julia
What is the main theme of Visiting hour?
Fear of not being able to control his emotions.
What is the main theme of Basking shark?
Reflection on one’s self, on how people judge to fast.
What is the main theme of Hotel Room, 12th Floor?
Questioning whether we can overcome our savagery animalistic instincts
What is the main theme of Brooklyn Cop?
Violence, that no matter where or whom it is always there.
Aunt Julia:
‘She wore men’s boots when she wore any’
‘Men’s boots’ - Strong woman, tough and practical.
‘When she wore any.’ - went barefoot mostly, reflection on the lifestyle she lived.
Aunt Julia:
What is the annatations for ‘Paddling with the treadle of the spinningwheel’?
Long lune reflects the spinning process, the enjanmbent creates a sense of movement and flow.
Aunt Julia:
‘Lain at night in absolute darkeness’
How even though they were in the middle of nowhere he still felt safe and secure.
Aunt Julia:
‘She was’ anatations?
Parallel structure and repetition highlight her death.
Aunt Julia:
‘Keeper of three penny bits in a teapot’ amataions?
She was an odd and quirky person’s but that what he remebers the most and loves about her.
Aunt Julia:
What does the repition of the first two lines of the peom in the last stanza suggest?
Emphasises her importance and the vividness of his memories for her.
Aunt Julia:
‘By the time’ annatations?
Changes to a more darker tone, sense of regret and of a missed opportunity.
Aunt Julia:
‘So many questions unanswered anatations?
‘So many questions’ - highlights just how much he really wanted to be able to communicate with her.
‘Unanswered’ - enjanmbent/word by itself suggests the lingering sense of frustration and guilt.
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Helicopter Skirting like a damaged insect’
Helicopter Skirting - simile, appears small against the buildings it being a chaotic flight
Damaged insect - symbol of broken society , inscets are alien/inhuman
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Empire State building that jumbo sized dentist drill’
Symbol of progress and mockery of how everything is extra sized in America, buildings size and shape is pointless
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
Evil/time shift darkness changes everything
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Shot at by a million lit windows’
Americans obsession with guns and how people are fearful of them, like the wild west
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Not so easily defeated’
Trying to prevent it seems futile
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Wildest of warhoops’
Repetition of W mimics the sounds of the street, and emphasises the chaos of what’s happening
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘Broken bones and Harsh screaming’
Reduced to their injuries substained and not people.
Hotel Room, 12th Floor:
‘No stockade can keep the Midnight out’
No matter how sophisticated and evolved we become we always go back to our prmitave ways