Macbeth quotes Flashcards
My noble partner
you greet with present grace and great prediction
of noble having and of royal hope …
Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear
your favors nor your hate
Plot: Banquo wants to know what the witches have to say to him, he is dragged into the mystery
Character: Banquo is fearless, knows too much
Theme: manliness(not afraid), GCOB(noble partner w/ grace, royal)
Fair is foul and foul is fair
hover through the fog and filthy air
The witches
Character: witches speak in riddles, not whole truth.
Plot: the whole play. What is good seems bad, what is bad seems good
Theme: what is real/reality, fog(darkness)
This supernatural soliciting
cannot be ill, cannot be good if ill…
Plot: the prophecy spells doom and good fortune, seeds of murder are planted in MB’s head
Character: MB wants to be king BADLY
Themes: dreams/reality, manliness
The Prince of Cumberland, that is a step
on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap…
Plot: realizes that Malcolm is a problem if MB wants to be king
Character: he is okay with the amount of murder needed
Theme: manliness(do what it takes), darkness(stars hide your fires)
The Raven himself is hoarse
that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan…
Lady Macbeth
Plot: Lady MB will push to kill Duncan, she know the prophecy
Character: she is just as bad as her husband in terms of murder
Theme: darkness(come thick night), manliness(unsex me)
If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well
It were done quickly. If th’ assassination…
Plot: wants to do it, but knows it’s not one and done
Character: MB is a general, thinking of all the outcomes
Theme: guilt
Was the hope drunk
Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since?
Lady Macbeth
Plot: goad MB to kill Duncan
Character: she knows how to manipulate MB
Themes: Manliness, manipulation
Is this a dagger I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch…
It is a knell
that summons thee to heaven, or to hell
Plot: resolves to kill Duncan
Character: MB realizes he is okay with murder when given the opportunity
Theme: reality(no real dagger), blood(on handle)
Methought I heard a voice cry ‘sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep’ …
Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor
Shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more
Plot: He has killed Duncan, now is cursed for disrupting the GCoB
Character: MB now feels guilty for what he has done
Theme: madness, GCoB
Thou hast it now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all
As the weird women promised, and I fear
Thou play’dst more foully for ‘t …
Plot: He thinks something is up w/ Macbeth’s sudden fortune
Character: He wants to find out the truth. Also, macbeth knows he will have to keep killing
Theme: betrayal/suspicion, fate
To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus-
our fears in Banquo stick deep…
there is none but he
whose being I do fear
Plot: knows he has to kill Banquo
Character: MB will do what he has to
Theme: ?
We have scorched the snake, not killed it:
She’ll be close and be herself, whilst our poor malice…
Plot: the murder was not worth it, guilt
Character: MB and LMB have guilty dreams, cannot cope with what they have done
Theme: reality, death(better to be with the dead than on the torture of the mind lie), guilt(in the affliction of these terrible dreams)
Blood hath been shed ere now, i’ th’ olden time,
Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal;…
that, when the brains were out, the man would die,
and there an end; but now they rise again
Plot: at gathering w/ rest of lords
Character: guilt manifests itself in visions
Theme:GCoB, guilt, unreality
What man dare, I dare
Approach thou like the rugged Russian Bear,…
If trembling I inhabit then, protest me
the baby of a girl. Hence, horrible shadow!
Unreal mock’ry, hence
Plot: the banquet where Banquo’s ghost shows up
Character: Macbeth thinks he is brave, but the apparition terrifies him.
Theme: manliness(bravery), reality VS appearance(unreal mock’ry)
It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood
Stones have been known to move and trees to speak…
the secret’st man of blood. What is the night?
Macbeth. Act 3
Plot: After the banquet, talking to Lady MB
Character: knows the weight of what he is responsible for
Theme: GCob