Macbeth Quotes Flashcards
“What bloody man is that”?
- Theme of violence is introduced
- Duncan is the first character to speak in the scene to show his power and dominance
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
The witches in the first scene in use rhyming couplets, Shakespeare uses the repetition of the letter f as it creates trochaic triamiter , moving from stressed to unstressed words. This is a speech Pattern is only used by the witches and Macbeth to show how they contrast to characters all the way throughout the play.
“What ……. Man is that”?
“Fair is foul and ……………….”
“Foul is fair”
What does the thunder and lightening at the start of act one scene one represent?
An unbalanced universe, foreboding and pathetic fallacy is employed to create a dark atmosphere. It also shows their control over nature and as Macbeth is constantly seen with animal imagery it reminds us that they have control over him.
“for brave …………………deserves that name”
“Macbeth, well he”
What does the quote “shipwrecking storms and dire thunders break” introduce a theme of?
It introduces the theme of double crossing and uses pathetic fallacy to create typical gothic imagery to create a dark atmosphere
“Shipwrecking storms ……………………….. break”
“And direful thunders”
“As sparrows Eagles or ………………”
“The hair the lion”
What does the quote “as sparrows Eagles or the hair the lion” show us
It shows us that Macbeth and banquo are strong characters, made to lead. The animal imagery could have two different links, in terms of Macbeth nature is a recouping element which is used to link him to the witches and show his instability. Animal imagery is also very common in gothic literature. It also shows that Macbeth and Banquo are a team and it would take an unnatural force to separate them. Furthers the witches have control over nature and so his constant links to animal imagery show their control
“What he hath lost ……………….. Has won”
“Nobel Macbeth”
“And like a rat without a tail ……………..”
“I’ll do, I’ll do and I’ll do”
What does the quote “and like a rat without a tail” show?
It shows the witches vengeful nature and that men are powerless against them
What does thunder signify?
It signifies the witches, that the presence brings danger and unease in the universe
“So …………………. A day I have not seen”
“Foul and fair”
What does the quote “so foul and fair a days have not seen” show?
This is a paradox which uses trochaic triamiter to create a parallel to the witches, a warning to audiences that he is perhaps even dangerous and to be wary of him
What does the quote “Peaceful! The charms wound up” reveal about the witches?
That they are in control of Macbeth before he has even ,et them, they are orchestrating everything and so they should not be underestimated. Structurally it has been placed right before his entrance to show this.
“So withered and so wild in their attire…………………. Earth”
“That they do not look like th’ inhabitance o’ th’”
A quote from act one that shows the supernatural nature of the witches
“That look not like th’ inhabitance o’ th’ Earth”
“All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of ……..” ( two answers)
What does “All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Glamis!” And the quote “all hail Macbeth, that shall be king herafter” show?
It shows the prof ethic nature of the witches as they know Macbeth’s name before he introduces himself. The witches are flattering Macbeth, to manipulate him
“all hail Macbeth, that …………..………”
“shall be king herafter”
“Lesser than Macbeth …………….”
“And greater”
“Thou shall get kings, ……………………”
“Thou shall be none”