Macbeth Quotes Flashcards
quotes for the character Macbeth
How is Macbeth described in Act 1 Scene 2?
‘Brave’ ‘Valiant Cousin’
What do the adjectives ‘brave’ and ‘valiant’ show about Macbeth at the beginning of the play?
He is shown initially as heroic and that he has a kind-hearted nature
How is Macbeth inextricably linked to the witches in Act 1 Scene 3?
He says ‘Foul and fair a day’
What does the quote ‘Foul and fair a day’ show about Macbeth?
Shows that he is inextricably linked to the malevolent witches and further showing ambiguity as Macbeth’s use of this quote reflects upon the whole play and creates an eeriness and evil tone
Where in the play are the quotes ‘Brave Macbeth’ and ‘Valiant Cousin’ from?
Act 1 Scene 2
Where in the play is the quote ‘Foul and fair a day’ from?
Act 1 Scene 3
Where in the play is the quote ‘Stay you imperfect speakers’ from?
Act 1 Scene 3
What does the quote ‘Stay you imperfect speakers show?
This quote shows the beginning of Macbeth’s downfall as the imperative verbs reflect the desperation in which Macbeth wants to receive more prophecies
Where in the play and what quote do we first see Macbeth’s fatal flaw emerge?
Act 1 Scene 3 ‘Stay you imperfect speakers’
Where in the play is the quote ‘I have done the deed’ from?
Act 2 Scene 2
What does the dagger soliloquy reveal?
foreshadows neighbouring scene and reveals Macbeth’s violent ambition to commit regicide but also his guilt which is fighting with the violence to overtake his conscience
What scene is the dagger soliloquy?
Act 2 Scene 1
What key quote is useful from the dagger soliloquy?
‘Is this a dagger which I see before me’
Where is the quote ‘Is this a dagger which i see before me’ and what does it show?
Act 2 Scene 1 and the rhetorical tone reveals towards the audience that Macbeth is hallucinating as his violent ambition begins to overtake his conscience
What does this quote show…‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?’
After the comitted regicide Macbeth is consumed by guilt and paranoia showing a significant change from Act 1 scenes as he now struggles to live with himself due to guilt
What scene is ‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?’ from?
Act 2 Scene 2
What does the quote ‘O full of scorpions is my mind’ show ?
The metaphor shows Macbeth’s uneasiness and his dark desire to murder Fleance and Banquo as the knowledge that they are still alive fills Macbeth with anxiety and dread.
What scene is ‘O full of scorpions is my mind’?
Act 3 Scene 2
What does the quote ‘Something wicked this way comes’ show?
This quote emphasises the contrast between Macbeth’s heroic character at the start as now he is purely driven by evil ambition
Where in the play is ‘something wicked’ from?
Act 4 Scene 1
What is key about Macbeth in act 4?
Macbeth secures his own downfall by murdering Macduff’s family, as Macduff is now desperate for revenge.