Macbeth Quotes Flashcards
A quote to show that the witches speak in riddles to Macbeth
“Stay you imperfect speakers”
A quote to show that Lady Macbeth is controlling and convinces Macbeth that they wont fail
“But screw your courage to the sticking place and will not fail”
A quote to show that Lady Macbeth has told Macbeth to leave the plot about killing Duncan to her
“Leave all the rest to me”
A quote to show that Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to treat Duncan as his guest and pretend that he is a good ghost
“Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”
-The imagery of the “innocent flower” highlights the goodness, but also the vulnerability, of honest human behaviour. The juxtaposition with “the serpent under’t” is a clear biblical reference to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who helped to bring original sin into the world.
A quote to show that Macbeth has decided to not go ahead with the murder of Duncan (regicide).
“We will proceed no futher in this business”
A quote to show that as soon as Macbeth has murdered Duncan, he shows some regret and wishes he could wake Duncan from sleep.
“Wake Duncan with thy knocking!”
A quote from lennox saying the night has been horrific-“chimmneys were blown down”
“The night has been unruly”
IMPORTANT! A quote to show that Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth does not have enough to be king
I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness
A quote to show that Lady Macbeth was to be filled with manly cruelty
“unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!”
Lady Macbeth is rejecting the typical patriarchal society of the time. Not only is Lady Macbeth prepared to be cruel, but the adjective “direst” highlights the extreme lengths she is willing to go to.
A quote to show that Macbeth is hallucinating
“Is this a dagger which I see before me,”
His hesitancy contrasts greatly with the active behaviour of Lady Macbeth. Representative of Macbeth’s state of mind
First apparation
“Beware Macduff; Beware the Thane of Fife.”
Second apparation
“none of woman born shall harm Macbeth!”
Third apparation
“Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill/Shall come against him”
A quote to show that Macbeth does not have any reason to kill Duncan apart from his ambition?
’ have no spur to prick sides of my intent but vaulting ambition overleaps itself ‘
A quote to show Duncan is a great leader
‘Signs of nobleness like stars shall shine on all deservers’ -benevolent
‘like stars Shall shine’ this simile notes divine power replies that they will not only be rewarded on earth but I need afterlife
A quote to show that Duncan is too kind
‘Brave Macbeth , O valiant cousin’
Quote about Lady Macbeths cruelty about her child?
‘Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums,And dashed the brains out.”
Her ruthless nature is accentuated by the speed with which she is willing to act - the words “plucked” and “dashed” both suggest swift, clinical movements. The use of the phrase “dashed the brains out” foreshadows the horrors acted children later in the play.
Theory about Lady Macbeth
Prophecies for Banquo’s was that he will never be king but his lineage (children). She states ‘ I have given suck’ meaning that she has given birth, but the baby has possibly died and cannot have children. This deems her to be useless in the Jocobean era.Maybe she is so ambitious to try and get Macbeth to the throne so he cannot divorce her. As it is unheard of a King and a Queen to split.
A quite to show that Macbeth is having an epithany ( moment of realisation )
‘Life’s but a walking shadow’
The use of the metaphor depicting life as a “shadow” suggests life is empty and has no meaning.The use of “walking” implies life is a journey, but not a dynamic, energetic one - walking is not the powerful, physical action seen in earlier acts, nor the dynamic action expected of a King.