Macbeth Quotations Flashcards
A1S1 - the witches assemble
- thunder and lightning
- meet with Macbeth
- fair is foul, and foul is fair
A1S2 - Captain’s speech
- brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name
- smok’d with bloody execution
- unseam’d him from the nave to th’chaps
- doubly redoubled
A1S2 - Duncan responds to the Captain’s speech
- valiant cousin, worthy gentleman
- they smack of honour both
- with his former title greet Macbeth
- noble Macbeth
A1S3 - the witches assemble again
A1S3 - the witches appear to Macbeth and Banquo
- so foul and fair a day
- look not like th’inhabitants o’th’earth
- shalt be king hereafter
- thou shalt get kings, though thou be none
A1S3 - Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor
- how our partner’s rapt
- chance may crown me without my stir
- come what come may
A1S4 - Duncan invites himself to Inverness
- there’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face
- absolute trust
- worthiest cousin
- I have begun to plant thee and will labour to make thee full of growing
A1S4 - Macbeth considers his obstacles
- that is a step on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap
- stars, hide your fires
- let not light see my black and deep desires
- the eye wink at the hand
A1S5 - Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth’s letter
- dearest partner of greatness
- too full o’th’milk of human kindness
- not without ambition, but without the illness that should attend it
- pour my spirits in thine ear
A1S5 - Lady Macbeth calls on the supernatural
- raven himself is hoarse
- come, ye spirits
- unsex me here
- fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty
- take my milk for gall
- dunnest smoke of hell
A1S5 - Macbeth returns to Inverness
- look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t
- leave all the rest to me
A1S6 - Lady Macbeth welcomes Duncan
A1S7 - Macbeth reconsiders murdering Duncan
A1S7 - Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to go through with the murder
A2S1 - Macbeth reflects on the murder he is about to commit
- is this a dagger
- come, let me clutch thee
- fatal vision
- proceeding from the heat-oppressèd brain
A2S2 - Macbeth instantly regrets the murder of Duncan
A2S2 - Lady Macbeth clears up for an incapacitated Macbeth
A2S3 - the lords react to Duncan’s death
A2S3 - Malcolm and Donalbain run away
A2S4 - Ross discusses affairs with an Old Man, then Macduff
- a falcon […] was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed
- [Duncan’s horses] eat each other
- {A2S3} the Earth was feverous and did shake
A3S1 - Banquo hides his suspicion from Macbeth
A3S1 - Macbeth reflects on the threat posed by Banquo
A3S1 - Macbeth briefs the murderers
A3S2 - Macbeth and Lady Macbeth discuss their situation
A3S3 - Banquo is murdered
A3S4 - Macbeth hears from the first murderer as the banquet begins
A3S4 - the Ghost of Banquo appears to Macbeth
A3S5 - the witches meet with Hecate
A3S6 - Lennox discusses with another Lord
A4S1 - the witches prepare to meet Macbeth
A4S1 - Macbeth returns to the witches
A4S2 - Macduff’s family is visited and murdered at Fife
- young fry of treachery
- he has killed me, mother
A4S3 - Malcolm tests Macduff
A4S3 - Macduff is told of his family’s murder
A5S1 - Lady Macbeth is witnessed sleepwalking
A5S2 - the army approaches Inverness
- the English power is near
- those he commands, move only in command, nothing in love
- dew the sovereign flower and drown the weeds
A5S3 - Macbeth prepares for battle
- Seyton! - I am sick at heart
- give me mine armour
- cure her of that
A5S4 - Birnam Wood marches on Dunsinane Hill
- confident tyrant
A5S5 - Macbeth learns of Lady Macbeth’s death
- she should have died hereafter
- tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
- it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing
A5S6 - the battle begins
- alarums continued
A5S7 - Macbeth kills Young Siward as the battle progresses
- abhorred tyrant
A5S8 - Macbeth encounters Macduff
- turn, hell-hound, turn
- thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out
- from his mother’s womb, untimely ripp’d
A5S9 - Malcolm is proclaimed King
- enter Macduff, with Macbeth’s head
- th’usurper’s cursed head
- henceforth be earls
- dead butcher
- fiend-like queen