macbeth plot analysis Flashcards
what happens in scene 1, act 1, analyse it:
- starts with thunder/lightning. dark and violent mood. witches first characters on stage (supernatural important). mysterious, we don’t know their purpose.
- witches speak in rhyming couplets. supernatural characters speech seems unnatural, as if casting evil spell.
- witches plan to meet macbeth, don’t explain intentions.
what quotes describe the witches as evil, and plays into the theme that nothing is as it seems?
(2) ‘when they hurly burly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won’. paradox. doesn’t make sense at first, becomes clearer as play goes on.
- nothing is as it seems ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’. portrays them as evil.
what happens in scene 2 act 1, analyse it:
- Macbeth and Banquo fighting rebel armies from Norway and Ireland.
- eerie opening scene contrasted with the brutality and ‘bloody execution’ of the battlefield - violent mood set.
describe the portrayal of Macbeth throughout Act 1:
- celebrated for bloodthirsty nature: cut traitor Macdonald from ‘the nave to the chops’. this violence leads to his downfall. irony.
- described as ‘brave’ and ‘valiant’ by Captain and Duncan. a hero, loyal to his country.
- ‘fair is foul’ Macbeth might not be as good as everyone believes.
- can’t stop thinking about prophecies (lust for power). Immediately considers killing Duncan, is reluctant. At this point, Macbeth isn’t evil - he’s torn between ambition and his loyalty. Wrestling with conscience.
- when he finds out he’s becoming Thane of Cawdor, believes the Witches, and convinces him that the King prophecy will too become true. ambition strengthens.
- crowned Thane of Cawdor. his ambition is still battling with his conscience. he wants to hide his ‘black and deep desires’ from others and from himself. ashamed.
- realises Lady Macbeth is also planning to kill Duncan, he’s temporarily convinced to kill him.
- begins to doubt whether he should kill Duncan or not. lists out the reasons why he shouldn’t. however, after LM’s manipulation, decides he will kill the King.
analyse the Witches in scene 3, act 1:
- accompanied by thunder again: recurring motif hints at chaos, danger.
- Macbeth’s first line ‘so foul and fair a day I have not seen’ links him to the witches.
- witches describe sending out a storm onto a sailor’s ship so that he can’t sleep. could be metaphor for Macbeth’s guilty sleeplessness, and ship could be a metaphor for Scotland, which is almost destroyed during Macbeth’s violent reign.
describe the rest of act 3, scene 1, analyse it:
- predict Macbeth will be thane of Cawdor, then king. Banquo’s descendants will become kings.
- Banquo is suspicious, questions his own sanity. accepts the witches are telling the truth, but is aware they’re manipulating them.
- Banquo sees Witches are evil. Macbeth is less certain.
- Macbeth is spellbound by the Witches’ predictions, but is also scared by the powerful ambitions the Witches have awakened in him.
- Banquo’s sons will be Kings, but could also mean that Banquo is greater because he isn’t driven by greed and ambition.
name the key quotes in Act 1, Scene 3:
- B: ‘instruments of darkness’. M: ‘cannot be evil, cannot be good’.
- Macbeth was ‘rapt withal’.
- ‘lesser than Macbeth but greater’.
- Banquo will be ‘not so happy, yet much happier’ than Macbeth. although Macbeth gets what he wants (becomes King), it won’t make him happy.
- the Witches speak in paradoxes and riddles to confuse them and lead them astray.
what happens in act 4, scene 1, analyse it:
- Duncan gives Macbeth title of Thane of Cawdor, as a reward for his loyalty.
- ironic. King said he misjudged last Thane of Cawdor - he thinks that people who seem good and loyal may not be. he also misjudges Macbeth. - Duncan uses extended metaphor of plants, sees it as his duty to nurture those who are loyal to him. he sees Macbeth as a potential successor, suggests Macbeth would have become King without him having to do anything - FATE.
- Macbeth confused? outwardly, brave and loyal warlord, but inwardly ambition battling with conscience.
what are the key quotes in act 4, scene 1?
- you can’t ‘find the mind’s construction in the face’.
- wants to keep ‘black and deep desires’ hidden, nut just from other people but from himself.
- Duncan thinks that fate will reward those who deserve it, by shining a light on one’s good deeds. light is also linked to visibility, contrasting with Macbeth’s desires to hide his intentions.
describe the portrayal of the theme of kingship in act 3, scene 1:
duncan presented as a strong, fair leader. rewards loyalty, wants Scotland to prosper. contrasts with Macbeth’s violent, tyrannical rule.
what happens in scene 5, act 1, analyse it:
- scene opens with lady Macbeth alone, reading a letter from Macbeth about the Witches’ prophecies - allows audience to hear her inner thoughts and see what she’s really like.
- she has no doubts about killing Duncan, immediately sees she’ll have to force Macbeth to do it.
- uses evil imagery, showing the evil on her mind. her speech links her to the witches, as she uses imperatives, making it sound like she’s casting a spell.
- Macbeth enters, and their dialogues slips into half-line breaks. their speech therefore sounds urgent and hurried - they’re nervous and need to act quickly in case of interruption.
what are the key quotes in scene 5, act 1?
- he is ‘too full o’th’ milk of human kindness’.
- ‘smoke of hell’, ‘direst cruelty’.
- ‘come, you spirits’, ‘come, thick night’.
- she asks spirits to ‘unsex me here’ she doesn’t want to be a woman as she sees them as weak and incapable of murder.
what happens in scene 6, act 1, analyse it:
- Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle and is grateful for Macbeth’s hospitality and loyalty.
- LM appears to be the perfect hostess, flatters Duncan. contrast to her personality in the last scene, shows how false she is.
what are the key quotes in scene 6, act 1?
- Duncan describes Macbeth’s castle as ‘pleasant’ and says it ‘sweetly recommends itself’. ironic that he feels safe and welcome in Macbeth’s home considering what Macbeth has planned.
what happens in scene 7, act 1, analyse it:
- Macbeth tries to decide whether to kill Duncan, gives a list of reasons why he shouldn’t.
- LM is forceful - bullies and persuades Macbeth to go through with murder, questions his masculinity. rejects her own femininity by telling him she’d kill her own child if it meant she wouldn’t break a promise - shows her remorselessness and evilness.
what are the key quotes in scene 7, act 1?
- (1) murder can ‘return/To plague th’inventor’ he’ll most likely be killed himself. (2) as Duncan’s ‘kinsman’ and ‘host’ has duty to protect him. (3) Duncan is a good king, killing him will lead to ‘deep damnation’. (4) Macbeth knows his own ambition will be his downfall.
- he’ll be ‘so much more than a man’ - he’ll be more masculine, but will also be King.
describe LM’s use of imagery in scene 7, act 1:
uses language connected to alchemy (turning cheap metal into gold). ‘limbeck’ and ‘receipt’ are apparatuses used, and ‘fumes’ are the gases produced. alchemists never succeeded at turning cheap metal into gold - Macbeth won’t be a good king.
what happens in scene 1, act 2 (some quotes, too)?
- Banquo, Fleance go for walk at night. no stars (‘their candles are all out’) symbolises the evil Macbeth is about to do. also echoes Duncan’s speech about stars shining on the deserving - Macbeth is undeserving.
- in soliloquy, Macbeth talk about ‘witchcraft’, ‘Hecate’s offerings’ and ‘a ghost’. links Macbeth to witches, he’s afect by their predictions.
- starts seeing visions of a dagger, it’s not clear if it’s leading him towards committing the murder, or warning him of it.
what happens in scene 2, act 2?
- LM waits for Macbeth’s return from killing Duncan. startled by every noise, doesn’t kill Duncan because he resembled her father. not as merciless?
- murder takes place offstage (suspense. audience imagines the murder, more horrific).
- stage directions add to the tension - repeated knocking sound, creates sense of urgency. echoes Macbeth’s pounding heart? sign of his fear and guilt.
what examples are there of foreshadowing in Act 2, scene 2?
- Macbeth doubts ‘Neptune’s ocean’ will clean the blood off his hands (feeling guilty). LM doesn’t seem as bothered by her bloody hands - ironic foreshadowing of her frenzied handwashing in Act 5.
- Macbeth says he’s ‘murdered sleep’ (connotations of peace and a clear conscience), shows he’s wracked with guilt. foreshadows LM’s sleepwalking in Act 5.
- references to insanity. LM says Macbeth is going ‘mad’ and ‘brain sickly’ - ironic foreshadowing of her madness later in the play.
what happens in scene 3, act 2, analyse it:
- Porter’s comic monologue relieves tension, but builds suspense before Duncan’s body is found.
- Macduff finds Duncan’s body. horrified.
- Macbeth confesses to killing Duncan’s servants out of rage. when LM hears this, she faints. maybe to distract characters from husband’s suspicious behaviour, or because she’s genuinely shocked (she didn’t help to plan that bit).
- Malcolm and Donalbain run away, fearing their lives. they look guilty, Macbeth is crowned king.
what are the key quotes in scene 3, act 2?
- before Duncan’s body is found, Macbeth speaks in short sentences. ‘‘twas a rough night’, ‘not yet’. seems distracted, tense, highlights his guilt, nervousness.
- when Duncan’s body is discovered, Macbeth’s language changes. ‘silver skin laced with golden blood’. glorifies Duncan and his position of King that was unjustly robbed of him. colours symbolsie purity and nobility. poetic language seems false.
describe the dramatic irony in scene 3, act 2:
- porter describes Macbeth’s castle as a ‘hell-gate’ and makes a joke about a man being sent to Hell because he ‘committed treason’.
- Lennox comments on how ‘unruly’ and stormy the night was - tells Macbeth the wind sounded like ‘strange screams of death’.
what happens in scene 4, act 2, analyse it:
- this scene is purely a bridge between Act 2 and 3. creates a sense of fear and uncertainty.
- strange events have happened since Duncan’s death, showing the natural order has been disrupted. (country’s well-being linked to that of its king, these events are bad omens for Macbeth’s reign).
- scene ends with Macduff telling Rosse that Macbeth will be king. Macduff isn’t going to the coronation - suspicious, sets him up as the antagonist.
how has the natural order been disrupted in act 2, scene 4?
- dark during the day, symbolises the evil coming over Scotland.
- falcon savagely killed by an owl. falcon represents King Duncan, owl represents Macbeth.
- horses have been eating each other.
what happens in scene 1, act 3, analyse it:
- Banquo’s soliloquy. suspicious of Macbeth. thinking about Witches’ predictions that descendants will be kings. is ambitious, but lets fate take its course.
- Macbeth’s soliloquy. attitude to murder has changed. before, he was tormented by killing Duncan, and almost couldn’t do it. now, he’s decisive about killing Banquo - murder is easy.
- Macbeth hires assassins to kill Banquo and his son. in act 1, he was a fearless hero, but now he can’t meet his enemy face-to-face. coward.
- Macbeth is now more like LM. persuades murderers to do what he wants by questioning masculinity and telling lies to convince them that Banquo is the enemy.
what are the key quotes in scene 1, act 3?
- Banquo thinks that Macbeth has ‘play’dst most foully’ for the crown.
describe the theme of fate and will in scene 1, act 3:
- Macbeth thinks he can change fate and prevent Banquo’s descendants from becoming kings by killing Banquo and Fleance.
- Banquo has the same desires as Macbeth, but is less over-confident, and will let fate run its course.
describe Macbeth’s soliloquy in scene 1, act 3:
uses imagery of ‘fruitless crown’ and ‘barren sceptre’. double meaning of fruitless (meaning both ‘futile’ and ‘bearing no fruit’) hints that he feels his reign is worthless since he has no child to be his heir. Shakespeare uses semantic field of agriculture to contrast Macbeth with Duncan, who helps his subjects ‘grow’.
what happens in scene 1, act 3, analyse it:
- LM and macbeth both feel insecure about Macbeth’s position as king.
- Shakespeare uses oxymorons to show their mixed emotions. they’ve got what they wanted but also feel guilty and uneasy.
- their relationship shifts. M hints he plans to kill Banquo, but confide in LM. wants to protect LM from more guilt, or he’s so driven by his ambition that her opinion doesn’t matter.
- Macbeth uses animal imagery. unsettling tone - reminds audience of evil and emphasises Macbeth’s feelings of insecurity and paranoia.
what are the key quotes in scene 2, act 3?
- ‘restless ecstasy’ and ‘doubtful joy’.
- ‘full of scorpions is my mind.’ ‘the bat has flown’.
- describe in more detail the change in relationship between Macbeth and LM:
- describe Shakespeare’s use of foreshadowing in this scene:
- M and LM have switched roles. before, she told him to ‘look like/th’ innocent flower’ - now he tells her to flatter Banquo and says that they must make their ‘faces vizards to our hearts’.
- Macbeth envies Duncan because he isn’t troubled by (civil war/foreign armies). this foreshadows Macduff’s uprising and the English attack at the end of the play.
what happens in scene 3, act 3, analyse it:
- third murderer joins other two murderes on their way to kill Banquo. Macbeth has sent him because he’s paranoid and doesn’t trust anyone.
- sun is settling and darkness coming. symbolises terror of Macbeth’s reign. Banquo approaches carrying a torch - light symbolises his goodness. when killed, a murderer puts ‘out the light’. the goodness has been destroyed.
- Fleance escapes - Witches’ predictions about Banquo’s sons becoming kings could still become true. shows it’s impossible to cheat fate, suggesting Macbeth would have become King even if he hadn’t forced it to happen.
what happens in scene 4, act 3, analyse it:
- Macbeths hold a feast. Macbeth is in a good mood as he thinks Banquo and Fleance have been dealt with.
- one of the murderers tells M that he’s killed B but F has escaped. M knows that with Fleance still alive, his future as king is uncertain.
- Banquo’s ghost appears - symptom of his guilt and anxiety.
- Macbeth’s behaviour is so strange that LM has to pretend he’s unwell. She takes control again, and thinks his fear isn’t manly.
why is the ‘ghost scene’ (scene 4, act 3) such an important dramatic device?
- only Macbeth can see the ghost, so the audience is unsure whether it’s real or if it’s a trick of his guilty conscience. the ghost appears when Macbeth says Banquo’s name, suggesting it’s a guilt-inspired hallucination. it echoes the ghostly dagger Macbeth saw before Duncan’s murder.
- the ghost sits on Macbeth’s throne - this is a visual and dramatic reminder to the audience of the Witches’ prophecy that Banquo’s descendants will be kings.
what are the key quotes in scene 4, act 3?
- M replies that he’s ‘cabined, cribbed, confined’. alliteration emphasises how trapped he feels.
- LM: ‘are you a man?’
- M says: ‘it will have blood they say - blood will have blood’. repetition of word ‘blood’ shows his fear - he’s starting to see the inevitability of his downfall.
- describe the theme of the supernatural in scene 4, act 3:
- describe the character of Macbeth in scene 4, act 3:
- in the previous scene, Macbeth envied Duncan because he was at peace, but the ghost of Banquo suggests to Macbeth that even in death, he won’t be able to rest.
- Macbeth says he’s killed so many people that ‘returning was as tedious as go o’er’. he’s despairing - he doesn’t want to keep killing, but he thinks it’s the only way to secure the throne.
what happens in scene 5, act 3, analyse it:
- the Goddess of Witches, Hecate, is annoyed that the three Witches have been meddling in Macbeth’s business without involving her.
- the Witches plan to summon apparitions to trick Macbeth into being overconfident. by making him bold, they’re making sure he’ll continue his reign of terror - plunging natural order into chaos.
what is a key quote in scene 5, act 3:
- ‘security / is mortals’ chiefest energy’.
- describe the theme of fate and free will in scene 5, act 3:
- describe Shakespeare’s technique of mood and atmosphere in scene 5, act 3:
- Hecate says Macbeth ‘shall spurn fate’ - he thinks he can change the course of destiny and stop Banquo’s sons from becoming kings.
- this is a dark scene which creates an atmosphere of fear and evil.
what happens in scene 6, act 3, analyse it:
- another bridge scene between act 3 and act 4. minor characters tell the audience everything that’s happened - Macduff has raised an army against Macbeth, while Malcolm is at the English court.
- Lennox suspects Macbeth is responsible for Duncan and Banquo’s murders. he’s careful not to speak his mind about Macbeth fully, however, his true feelings are revealed by his speech.
- Lennox ends the scene by sending a message to the English court to free them from the ‘hand accursed’ - this builds tension as it becomes a question of how far Macbeth will go before he’s stopped. the audience see that Macbeth’s death is inevitable, and the only way to restore peace to Scotland.
analyse Lennox’s speech:
- the tone of his monologue is sarcastic, e.g. he says Duncan’s murder ‘did grieve Macbeth!’, when he means quite the opposite.
- he uses rhetorical questions: ‘to kill their gracious father?’ - he doesn’t believe that Malcolm and Donalbain murdered Duncan.
- his speech is full of exclamations, e.g. ‘but, peace!’ and ‘damned fact!’. this shows how angry he is, but also hints that he’s afraid to show his anger - his short, broken sentences suggest he’s trying to hold back his emotions.
what is the key quote in scene 6, act 3?
- Lennox knows Macduff ‘lives in disgrace’ for not being loyal to the King.
- describe the historical context of scene 6, act 3:
- describe the techniques Shakespeare used in
- at the time, people thought the King was appointed by God, so when the Lord calls King Edward ‘holy’, this shows he’s the rightful King of England. the Lord says that Malcolm will have help from ‘him above’ - they believe he’s the rightful King of Scotland, so God will help him overcome Macbeth.
- Shakespeare wrote this scene from the perspective of minor characters to develop the feeling of unrest in Scotland.
what happens in part one of scene 1, act 4, analyse it:
- scene opens with Witches casting a spell, reminding audience of their evil intentions.
- gruesome list of body parts that the Witches throw into the cauldron sets a dark, frightening tone.
- they announce Macbeth’s arrival.
- the Witches pretend to obey Macbeth, and trick him into asking for apparitions. the Witches know Macbeth’s biggest weakness is his ambition, so they play on his lust for power.
what are the key quotes in part one of scene 1, act 4?
- ‘double, double toil and trouble’. the word ‘double’ hints at double meanings.
- ‘something wicked this way comes’. shoes how much he’s changed from the brave hero of Act 1.
- ‘speak./demand./we’ll answer’. they say he can talk to their ‘masters’.
what happens in part 2 of scene 1, act 4, analyse it:
- Macbeth’s language is initially confident. uses commands, threatens the Witches. he’s not afraid of them.
- the Witches summon three apparitions to predict the future, symbolising the threats to Macbeth. Macbeth takes these predictions at face value, even though he knows those who trust the Witches are ‘damned’. he’s desperate for them to give him good news so he can feel secure.
- Macbeth is now confident, and thinks he’ll never be defeated because it’s impossible for a wood to move and he’s invincible because every man is born from a woman.
- Macbeth wants to know if Banquo’s predictions are still true, and is shown a vision of a line of Banquo’s descendants.
- Macbeth wants to kill Macduff’s family - shows how evil and paranoid he’s become. willing to kill anyone associated with his enemy, although they don’t pose a threat.
- doesn’t discuss murders with LM - driven solely by his ambition and trusts no one.
what are the three apparitions summoned by the Witches in act 1, scene 4?
- armoured head warns Macbeth about Macduff. head could foreshadow Macbeth’s decapitation, and could also symbolise treachery and the violence of battle.
- bloody child tells him ‘none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth’. could represent Macduff, born by Caesarean Section.
- child wearing crown and carrying a branch tells Macbeth he can’t be beaten until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill. could represent Malcolm as the rightful heir, and the branch could represent Birnam Wood, but also the hope that Scotland will grow and flourish under Malcolm’s rule.
(each apparition then descends - going back to Hell?)
what are the key quotes in part 2 of scene 1, act 4?
- commands such as ‘Tell me’ and ‘Call ‘em’. threatens them with ‘an eternal curse’.
- ‘Thy crown does sear my eyeballs’.
- describe the theme of reality and appearances in scene 1, act 4:
- describe the historical context in scene 1, act 4:
- although the Witches haven’t lied, they’ve deliberately misled Macbeth. another example of their deception.
- some of Banquo’s descendants carry orbs and sceptres to show they’ll be rulers of England AND Scotland.
- the ‘treble sceptres’ carried by Banquo’s descendants could also be reference to King James, the King at the time who had control over both Scotland and England, and the three sceptres that he received during his coronations. this connection implies that, like King James, Banquo’s descendants are the rightful heirs to the throne.
- Macbeth is later referred to as ‘bloody-sceptred’, which contrasts with Banquo’s descendants and suggests that Macbeth’s violent actions make him an unworthy ruler.
what happens in scene 2, act 4, analyse it:
- Lady Macduff is angry and scared because her husband has run off and left her to protect their castle and children.
- her fear shows how afraid people are under Macbeth’s rule. the morals of Scotland have been turned upside down by Macbeth’s tyranny.
- Lady Macduff talks with her son - their witty dialogue shows their maternal bond. the caring character of Lady Macduff contrasts with that of Lady Macbeth, who’d have ‘dashed the brains out’ of her own child.
- the murderer enters and stabs Lady Macduff’s son - the murderer calls him ‘egg’ and ‘fry’, highlighting his youth, and shows that Macbeth is willing to kill defenceless children. he’s also too cowardly to commit the murders himself.
- murder of Lady Macduff’s son happens on stage - symbolises the fact that Macbeth no longer cares if people see his terrible crimes.
what is a key quote in scene 2, act 4?
‘to do harm/Is laudable, to do good … dangerous folly’.
shows how bad things are in Scotland under Macbeth; people who commit murder are rewarded, while good people are the ones who suffer.
- describe Shakespeare’s use of language in scene 2, act 4:
- describe the use of symbolism in scene 2, act 4:
- starts this scene mid-dialogue. highlights the confusion Lady Macduff is feeling about her husband leaving.
- Lady Macduff compares herself to a wren, a tiny, powerless bird, protecting her nest from an owl (Macbeth). this reminds the audience of the owl killing the falcon in act 2, scene 4, and shows Macbeth is now killing defenceless ‘prey’.
what happens in part one of scene 3, act 4, analyse it, where Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty:
- Macduff goes to England to convince Malcolm to raise an army against Macbeth. Malcolm doesn’t trust Macduff (shows fear and suspicion Macbeth has created).
- Malcolm thinks that because Macduff’s family hasn’t been harmed he must support Macbeth. Dramatic irony - the audience knows that Macduff’s family has just been murdered.
- Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty by pretending to be more evil than Macbeth. Macduff passes Malcolm’s test by proving that he’s loyal to Scotland and won’t support another tyrant.
- Shakespeare contrasts the kind, selfless kingship of Edward with the cruel, selfish tyranny of Macbeth.
describe the three themes in part one of scene 3, act 4:
- loyalty
- kingship
- Macduff shows his loyalty to Scotland by going to England to support Malcolm, although his family is in danger.
- Malcolm has learnt from Duncan’s mistakes - he doesn’t blindly trust the heroes. This caution suggests he’ll be a better King than Duncan.
- Malcolm tells Macduff that he’s honest, grateful and God-fearing (good qualities for a King). Malcolm’s loyalty to his country contrasts with Macbeth’s tyranny and betrayal.
what happens in part two of scene 3, act 4, analyse it:
- Rosse arrives and tells Macduff that his family have been killed - his reluctance to break the bad news creates drama.
- the murder of Macduff’s family is important to the plot - it motivates Macduff to get revenge on Macbeth and end his cruel reign.
what are the key quotes in scene 3, act 4?
Macduff’s grief is clear from the way he speaks. ‘All my pretty ones?/Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?/What, all my pretty chickens.’ His short sentences, rhetorical questions and repetition of the word ‘all’ shows that he can’t believe what Rosse has told him.
describe Shakespeare’s use of symbolism in scene 3, act 4:
like the Macbeths, Malcolm thinks that masculinity should be aggressive - he tells Macduff to ‘dispute it like a man’. Macduff contrasts this by saying he should also ‘feel it like a man’ - he believes that men are also sensitive. in this way, Macduff teaches Malcolm how to be a good man and king.
what happens in scene 1, act 5, analyse it:
- first time audience sees LM since things start to go wrong. her character has completely changed. she’s driven mad by guilt and fear.
- she carries a candle, as she’s afraid of the dark. it’s ironic, because in act 1 she welcomed darkness, but now it reminds her of the evil she’s done.
- she tries to wash the imaginary blood off her hands. this symbolises her guilt, and contrasts with her attitude in act 2, scene 2. - her speech changes from smooth and fluent blank verse to disjointed prose - shows her troubled state of mind.
- her speech is uncertain. her use of questions shows her mental confusion and contrasts with her previously domineering language. - LM has upset the natural balance by doing evil things. it reminds the audience of the unnatural things reported in scene 2, act 4.
what are the key quotes in scene 1, act 5?
- ‘has light by her continually’. LM: ‘come, thick night’.
- LM: ‘out, damned spot!’. LM: ‘a little water clears us of this deed’.
- LM: ‘The Thane of Fife has a wife - where is she now?’.
- the doctor says: ‘unnatural deeds/Do breed unnatural troubles’.
how could you compare scene 1, act 5 to scene 2, act 2?
Macbeth hears a voice cry ‘Macbeth does murder sleep’. LM dismisses this as a ‘brain-sickly’ thought, which is ironic because her sleep is also eventually murdered by Macbeth’s actions.
what happens in scene 2, act 5?
- Scottish lords preparing to attack Macbeth. scene builds tension in anticipation of battle.
- plan to meet English Army near Birnman Wood - reminder of the Witches’ prophecy, hints Macbeth may be defeated.
what are the key quotes in scene 2, act 5?
- imagery of health: lords use imagery to describe Scotland as unwell. talks about ‘the sickly weal’ (wound) and refers to Malcolm as the ‘med’cine’ that will heal the country.
- imagery of nature: Lennox described Malcolm as the ‘sovereign flower’. he also wants to ‘drown the weeds’ (get rid of Macbeth) - compares Macbeth to a weed as he’s preventing anything else from growing and is destroying the land.
- imagery of clothing: Macbeth described as ‘dwarfish thief’ wearing a ‘giant’s robe’ - the responsibility of King is too great for Macbeth.
describe Shakespeare’s technique used in scene 2, act 5:
someone describes Macbeth’s ‘murders sticking on his hands’ - reminds the audience of Lady Macbeth trying to wash the blood off her hands.
what happens in scenes 3 and 4, act 5, analyse them:
these scenes are short. increases pace, adds to the drama.
2. Macbeth’s soliloquy suggests he’s beginning to despair, even though he thinks he’s invincible. he admits that everything he’s done is worthless.
- when he talks to other characters, he’s over-confident, orders them about and insults them. this contrast reflects his unstable mental state.
- Macbeth shows signs he’s going mad - he asks someone to put on his armour, then straight away tells them to take it off. he’s confused and unbalanced. his mental state matches LM’s.
5. Malcolm tells his soldiers to cut down the branches from Birnam Wood to disguise their numbers. the Witches have tricked Macbeth, his defeat seems inevitable.
- English army calmly discuss battle plans. contrasts with Macbeth’s frenzied behaviour in act 3.
what happens in scene 5, act 5?
- LM dies - offstage and becomes anti-climax. shows how unimportant she’s become.
- macbeth alternates between arrogance and despair, showing his confusion.
- at the start he’s boasting and full of bravado. says nothing can frighten him.
- Macbeth finds out Birnam wood is moving towards his castle, realises the Witches have tricked him. he was too trusting of the Witches - ironic, seeing as he betrayed Duncan, who trusted Macbeth.
- Macbeth decides to attack the approaching army - it’s a brave decision, reminder of the fearless warrior he was in Act 1.
what are the key quotes in scene 5, act 5?
- he realises all his terrible acts had no purpose ‘signifying nothing’,
- he describes life as a ‘shadow’ and a ‘candle’. it’s fleeting and unreal.
- compares life to a ‘poor player’ (actor) - sees life as meaningless.
- his language ‘petty, ‘fools’, ‘idiot’ reflects his bitterness.
- ‘life’s but a walking shadow’ sad and reflective language. he’s not a monster, still has a human side that regrets what he’s done.
what happens in scenes 6 and 7, act 5?
- Malcolm’s army march towards Macbeth’s castle and Macbeth’s surrounded. Macbeth kills young Siward (son of English Forces general). Macbeth becomes more confident.
- Macbeth still clings to the idea he’s invincible and chooses to trust the Witches’ prophecies, even though the Birnam Wood prediction has become true.
describe Shakespeare’s technique of stagecraft:
lots of entrances and exits in Scene 7. adds to confusion of the battle. also adds tension - Macduff is searching for Macbeth, and enters the scene just after Macbeth exits.
what happens in scene 8, act 5?
- Macbeth and Macduff meet but Macbeth doesn’t want to fight. he feels guilty about killing Macduff’s family. he’s still got some humanity left.
- Macbeth still thinks he can’t be harmed by ‘of woman born’. Macduff reveals he was born by C-Section. Macbeth accepts he’s been misled by the Witches.
- Macbeth is trapped but refuses to back down, even though he knows he’s doomed. return to the brave warrior of Act 1, and shows that he’s in his element fighting man to man rather than having people murdered.
what are the key quotes in scene 8, act 5?
- ‘my soul is too charged / With the blood of thine already’.
- ‘be these juggling fiends no more believed’.
describe the theme of fate and free will in scene 8, act 5:
all the Witches’ prophecies have come true. the prophecies are partly self-fulfilling, because Macbeth has brought about his own downfall through his actions.
what happens in the final scene, scene 9, act 5?
- Macbeth is dead, Malcolm has won. Malcolm is concerned about the missing members of his army - his caring nature contrasts Macbeth’s cruelty and ruthlessness.
- Siward discovers his son has been killed, but he’s not upset. he thinks it’s an honour his son died protecting Scotland. shows how desperately he wanted to overthrow Macbeth.
- Macduff enters with Macbeth’s head. the play begins and ends with a battle and a traitor being beheaded - cyclical structure.
- describe the theme of kingship in scene 9, act 5:
- describe Shakespeare’s use of symbolism in scene 9, act 5:
- at the end of the play, the natural order is restored. Malcolm is the rightful King, and will be guided by God.
- Siward only cares that his son died bravely, ‘like a man’. Malcolm says ‘he’s worth more sorrow’ - shows he’s realised that being a mean means more than just being violent and aggressive.