Macbeth Analysis Flashcards
What does the quote “Disdaining fortune… smok’d with bloody execution” show
“Smok’d” could connotate to heat and Hell, foreshadowing his evil the phrase “disdaining fortune” shows a disregard for his fate and his attempt to manipulate the natural order
What does the quote “ His wife is babes and all his unfortunate souls” show
The murderers are emblematic of Macbeth excessive bloodthirst, they present no threat yet he is now on an unstoppable trajectory murder. Macbeth takes on the godly role of deciding who has the right to live
What does the quote “vaulting ambition which o’erleaps and falls on th’ other” show
The verb vaulting describes Macbeth‘s mammoth ego his ambition in his hamartia. Personification makes his ambition Appear like a human like for controlling and plaguing his innocent mind. The metaphor likens Macbeth to a jockey riding his ambition, his ambition is akin to a barbaric animal
What does the quote “life is but a walking shadow… it is a tale…signify nothing” highlight
Understands the futility of his ambition. Moreover, the noun “tale” extends the idea that the witches influence was like an ominous nursery rhyme they speak in trochaic tetrameter and rhyming couplets which almost parody their dialogue
What does the quote “so foul and fair a day i have not seen” show
Echo the witches paradox slowly becoming a mouthpiece for the witches’ evil, he is a vessel for their misconduct
What does the phrase “external curse” imply
Ironic since we have seen their overt supernatural power, he believes he can supersede this. his ego is prevalent as the witches ambiguous apparitions provide him an ephemeral sense of security and invincibility
What is meant by Macbeth says “stars hide your fires led light not seen my black and deep desires”
Paradoxes continue to play his speech with “black” and “fire” juxtaposing one another. Fire creates a irreversible damage foreshadowing how his duplicitous facade will create irreversible damage
What does the “make a face is vizards to our hearts’’ imply
“Vizards” suggest they should wear masks to conceal their true evil nature, closely resembles “look like the innocent flower” he is a marionette of evil influence
What does Macbeth portray when he says “I heard a voice cry ‘sleep no more’” “Macbeth does murder sleep”
He is so perturbed by guilt that he is imprisoned within a state of restlessness. Motif of sleep with sleep being synonymous with innocence- his lack of sleep explores his complete loss of innocence.
What does the “oh full of scorpions is my mind dear wife” show
Scorpions poisonous representing how much best ambition has poisoned his mind he’s consequently play by guilt and remorse as it is full highlights he has been completely in golf with guilt and mercy moreover the metaphor of a creature festering in his mind shows that his tyrannical nature has been so omnipotent, he now resembles more of a savage create than a moral human
What is Macbeth trying to do when he says to Lady Macbeth “be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck”
It is Ryan ironic that Macbeth now overpowers Lady Macbeth through feminine epithets it which belittle her much as she previously did to