Macbeth Analysis Flashcards
Doth unfix my hair
1.3 Said in an aside Afraid harm has to come to Duncan Does not want to harm Duncan Loyal to friend
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, satisfying nothing
5.5 Lady Macbeth dead Macbeth has lost everything Power lust lost all Feels existential nihilism
Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor:/ The greatest is behind
Speaks to himself
Thing he values most is yet to come
Superlative language
My dearest love
1.5 First loves Lady Macbeth Writes to her to tell her about prophecies Treats her as an equal Clue to influence she has
Tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day
Macbeth is criticising the slowness of time and wants to die- existential nihilsm
Is this a dagger I see before me or but a dagger of my mind?
Symbolises a warning of what happens to Macbeth psychologically
ABAB poem in trochee for stressed and unstressed syllable pattern
All’s too weak for brave Macbeth
Juxtaposition foreshadows Macbeth’s later descent into witch’s blasphemous regime
Alternatively links to equivocation used to disorientate Macbeth and Banquo’s moral compass