Macbeth Act 2 Quotes Flashcards
To Macbeth still thinks about witches
I dreamt last night of the weird sisters
Lies to Banquo his so called friend about witches
I think not of them
Wonders if daggers real
On art thou but a dagger of the mind
(Lady Macbeth)
Talking down to Macbeth
Foolish thought for a sorry sight
(Lady Macbeth)
Cannot kill Duncan
Had he not resembled my father as he slept I had donet
Look over
(Lady Macbeth)
Dismisses Macbeth cannot say amen
Consider it not so deeply
Refuses to return dagger
I am afraid to what I have done look on it again I dare not
(Lady Macbeth)
Water clears them of sins
A little water clears of the deed
Regrets killing Duncan
Wake Duncan with thy knocking I wish thou couldst
Bad weather on the night of Duncan’s death
The night had been unruly …. our chimneys were blown away
Describes Duncan’s dead body
Appointed temple
Calls Lady Macbeth this this ironic
O gentle lady
Asks Macbeth why he killed the guards
Questioning Macbeth does not trust him
Wherefore did you so
Explains why he kills guards excuse
The expelectation of my violent love outran the pauser reason
(Lady Macbeth)
Pretends to faith to tale attention away from Macbeth
Help me hence Ho
To Donalbane does not trust others
Lets not consort with them
Brothers decide to split up
Our separated fortune shall keep us both safer
(Old man)
Natures reaction to Duncan’s Death Duncans horses
And Duncans horses…. Turned wild in nature
(Old man)
Nature react to Duncan’s death owl
A Falcon towering in her pride of place was by mousing owl hawked and killed
Will not attend Macbeth crowning/inauguration
No cousin ill to Fife
Saying Duncan’s reign will probably be happier than Macbeths
Lest our old robes sit easier than our new
Calls Banquo
A friend