Macbeth Act 2 Flashcards
What is the signal Lady Macbeth is to give Macbeth to let him know that she has taken care of the guards (grooms)?
She will ring a bell.
What is Macbeth’s lie to Banquo about the witches’ predictions?
He says he doesn’t even think about them.
What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself?
He looked like her father sleeping there.
After Macbeth kills Duncan, he goes to Lady Macbeth and is concerned about not being able to say “Amen.” What is her advice to him?
She tells him not to think about it so much, or it will make them crazy. (Notice that she does later, in fact, go mad and commit suicide.)
Then, Macbeth is worried about hearing a voice saying, “Macbeth does murder sleep.” What does Lady Macbeth then tell him to do?
She tells him to go get some water and wash “this filthy witness” from his hands. In other words, get cleaned up and forget about it.
Why won’t Macbeth take the daggers back to the scene of the crime?
He can’t bear to look at Duncan again.
Who was knocking?
Macduff and Lennox were knocking at the gate.
What three things does drinking provoke?
It provokes “nose-painting, sleep, and urine.”
How does Lennox describe the night, and what is Macbeth’s response?
Lennox goes through a great description of the terrible night, saying it predicted terrible, confusing times ahead. Macbeth brushes it off by saying it was a “rough night.”
What did Macduff discover?
Macduff discovered Duncan’s body.
Macduff says, “Oh, gentle lady, ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak. The repetition, in a woman’s ear, Would murder as it fell.” What is ironic about this?
Lady Macbeth was a determining force in the death of Duncan. She is no “lady.”
What excuse or explanation did Macbeth give for killing the guards (grooms)? What is his real reason?
He did it out of pain and rage, but he actually wanted to be rid of any possible witnesses to the murder.
Why do Malcolm and Donalbain leave?
They fear that the king’s murderer will be after them, too.
Why does Ross not believe Malcolm and Donalbain were responsible for Duncan’s murder?
He says it is against nature – both their personal natures and nature as the ruling force in the universe.
What are Banquo’s concerns about the Witches’ prophecy? What is Macbeth’s response?
He has had bad dreams about the Witches and part of what they said has come true. Macbeth says he has not thought about them. Banquo would like to discuss the matter with Macbeth.
What does Macbeth see when Banquo and Fleance leave and what does he say about it?
He sees a bloody dagger floating before him. He says that it is only a dream.
What was Lady Macbeth unable to do in Duncan’s chamber? Why?
She was unable to kill Duncan because he looked like her father.
What was Macbeth’s reaction when he returned from Duncan’s chamber? What did he say?
He was upset and feeling guilt. He said that “it was a sorry sight.” He also stated that he had murdered sleep and he could not say amen when he needed to.
Who was sleeping in the second chamber? Why did Shakespeare include that information in the play?
Donalbain was sleeping. This puts suspicion on him.
Macbeth is unable to return to Duncan’s chamber with the bloody daggers. Why do you think he fears going back?
He cannot face the murder that he has committed. He feels too much guilt.
What does Lennox say to Macbeth about the previous night?
Lennox said that there was a bad storm and he has never seen one this fierce in his life.
Who discovers that Duncan has been murdered?
Macduff discovers Duncan’s slain body.
Why does Macbeth say he has murdered the guards?
Macbeth says he murdered the guards because felt they killed Duncan. He was so angry and grief stricken he could not control his rage.
Why do Donalbain and Malcolm leave? Where do they say they are going?
Donalbain and Malcolm because they fear for their own lives. Donalbain goes to Ireland and Malcolm goes to England.