Macbeth Flashcards
‘What he hath lost________”
Act 1 Scene 2
‘the noble Macbeth hath won’
Act 1 scene 2
Echos the witches’ words, however he doesn’t speak in riddles so his goodness is emphasised
‘but in a sieve________________’
Act 1 Scene 3
‘___ I’ll thiether sail, And like a rat without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do and I’ll do.’
act 1 scene 3
The use of repetition emphasises the relentless nature and merciless intent of the witches. The unnatural imagery of the rat associates the witches with deformity and emphasises their link with the supernatural
‘so foul and fair___________’
Act 1 Scene 3
‘__ a day I have not seen’
act 1 scene 3
echoes Witches’ words and establishes a connection between them
‘you should be women_______________’
Act 1 Scene 3
‘____ And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so’
Act 1 Scene 3
like women accused of witchcraft in Early modern England, plays on Jacobean audience’s fears. Add to evil tone of the play
‘Lesser than Macbeth, ________’
Act 1 Scene 3
‘____ and greater’
‘Not as happy, yet much happier’
act one scene 3
speak in equivocations and riddles - taunting Macbeth - show how Macbeth is being manipulated
…to win us to our harm,t___i___of______d____t__u_t__……to_____In_____’
Act 1 Scene 3
____ the instruments of darkness tell us truths …… to betray’s In deepest consequence.
Act 1 scene 3
conscious of a world where spirits want to engage with human activity. Link to his ‘descendant’ of James I so wanting to emphasise his goodness over Macbeths
‘Whose horrid image doth _________’ (1/3)
Act 1 Scene 3
‘unfix my hair’
act 1 scene 3
‘And make my seated ___________________’ (2/3)
Act 1 Scene 3
‘heart knock at my ribs, Against the use of nature?’
act 1 scene 3
‘My thought, whose murder yet _________________________’ (3/3)
Act 1 Scene 3
‘is but fanastical, Shakes so my single state of man’
Act 1 scene 3
Thinks himself to be good man with morals, showing that he is shocked at his own reaction.
‘Stars, hide your fires ________________’
Act 1 Scene 4
‘let not light see my black and deep desires’
Act 1 Scene 4
emphasises on Macbeth’s link to darkness - shows his dark desires - act under of darkness
‘Yet I do fear thy nature, ________________
Act 1 Scene 5
it is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 scene 5
know that Macbeth is too nice - she will have to spur him
‘Come you spirits that _____ on ____ thoughts, _____ __ _____’
Act 1 Scene 5
tend, moral, unsex me here
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 5
transgresses feminine qualities such as kindness and purity in order to stop her feeling remorse.
top full Of ____ ____
Act 1 Scene 5
Direst cruelty
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 5
‘Stop up th’access ___ _____ __ ________’
Act 1 Scene 5
‘and passage to remorse’
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 5
‘come to my woman’s breasts________’
Act 1 scene 5
‘take my milk for gall you, murdering ministers’
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 scene 5
taking a good human force and corrupting it.
‘Look like the innocent flower…………’
Act 1 Scene 5
‘but be the serpent under’t
Lady Macbeth’
Act 1 Scene 5
link to the gunpowder plot - emphasising their corruption
‘Golden opinions from all sorts of people, which would be ______________.’
Act 1 Scene 7
‘Worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon.’
Act 1 Scene 7
Enjoy the options, is thought well upon by his peers - motif of clothes
‘Art thou afeared To be the same ________, As___________?’
Act 1 Scene 7
‘Thine own act and valour, as thou art in desire?’
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 7
manipulating him but appealing to him as a solider by bringing his honour into question
‘I dare do all that may become a man, ________________’
Act 1 Scene 7
‘Who dares more, is none.’
Act 1 Scene 7
doesn’t want to transgress his moral boundaries, if he goes beyond what he is know it is wrong
‘Have plucked the nipple from ___________, And ______________’
Act 1 Scene 7
‘From his boneless gums, And dashed the brains out, had I sworn As you have done to this.’
Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 7
violent imagery, contrasting with the vulnerability of the child - physiologically blackmailing him
‘False face must hide _________doth____’
Act 1 Scene 7
‘What the false heart doth know.’
Act 1 Scene 7
theme of concealment and secrecy
‘vaulting ambition, which o’er-leaps ______,And______th’_____’
Act 1 Scene 5
itself, And falls on th’other
Act 1 Scene 5
compares his ambition to a rider - doesn’t view himself as ambitious enough - he will be over leaping beyond reason and landing somewhere unknown
‘fair is foul…’
Act 1 Scene 1
‘and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air’
Act 1 scene 1
subversion adds confusion - speak in riddles and equivocations
Imagery is unbalanced as the witches are shown to ‘hover’ between reality and the supernatural
‘bloody instructions, which being taught, _____ __ _______ __’ _______’
Act 1 Scene 7
return To plague th’ inventor’
Act 1 Scene 7
aware that his guilt could come back to haunt him