Macbeth Flashcards
Links to the goodness of Macbeth at the start of the play
Like Valours minion
Links to the supernatural world Macbeth is becoming desperate
Stars hyde your fires let not light see my black and deep disires.
Macbeths thoughts have become toxic animal kingdom
O full of scorpions is my mind dear wife.
macbeth disconnecting from the light
out out brief candal Lifes bt a walking shadow
Macbeth becoming a tyrunt
give the edge of the sword his wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line
Lady macbeth disconecting from womenly views
hie thee hither that I may pour my spirits in thine ear
Lady macbeth being manipulated animal kingdom
look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath it
Lady Macbeth is feeling the punishment of regicide and is having halucinations
out dammend spot out i say … who would of thought the old man to have so much blood in him
Supernatural beliefs of the witches
Fair is foul and foul is fair hover through the smog and filthy air
The witches manipukate macbeth to think he is invincible
Be bloody,bold and resolute.Lough to scron the power of man,for none of women born shall harm macbeth
The natural order of things has been disrupted after the death of the king
The night has been unruly the earth was feverish and sis shake
The holyness of the king
His silver skin laced with his golden blood
Banquo being an honest good man talking about the evil mcbeth is thinking.
To win us ton our harm, the instriments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles
Macduff being a foil to macbeths tyronny
Despait thy charm,and let the angel whom thou still has served tell thee,macduff was from his mothers whomb untimly ripped
wI think our country sinks beneth the yoke; it weeps, it bleeds; and each new day a gash/Is added to her wounds.