Macbeth Flashcards
Who is Banquo’s son?
What is the opening scene of Macbeth?
The three witches talking about Macbeths approach
Explain “Fair is foul and foul is fair”
Said by the witches
Ambiguous statement
Could have a double meaning
Reflects the overall the,e of it being hard to distinguish between fair (good) and foul (evil)
Explain “So foul and fair a day I have not seen”
Said by Macbeth
Dramatic irony he unwittingly makes a remark to the witches earlier statement and the audience would recognise this
Explain “be warned…The instruments of darkness tell us truths”
Banquo warns Macbeth early on about the witches, his advice reflects the theme of deception
Explain “stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires”
Macbeth, in the beginning, is ashamed if bud evil thoughts and intentions. This shows that he has a moral compass at thus point of the play
Explain “come you spirits that tend in mortal thoughts, unsex me here”
Lady Macbeth calls upon the witches to assist her in being less of a woman, (nurturing, motherly) and she wants to be powerful enough to commit the murder herself without remorse
Explain “look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it”
Lady Macbeth’s words reflect the theme of deception- trying to disguise evil by looking innocent. Also has religious imagery (the serpent of Eden- temptation)
Explain “is this a dagger which I see before me?
Macbeth: the dagger is pointing towards Duncan, the hilt towards Macbeths hand. Shows Macbeths corrupt mental state and the interference of supernatural entities
Explain “Methinks I heard a voice cry, “sleep no more!”
Macbeth realises that the evil of regicide while the king was sleeping, plus he knows that his own guilty conscience will forever rob him of sleep
Why and who says “Beware Macduff!”
First apparition - possible threat of Macduff
Explain “none of woman born shall harm Macbeth”
Second apparition (bloody child)
This one comforts Macbeth, as every man is born of woman, to his knowledge.
Explain the change in Macbeth with “Secret, black, and midnight hags!”
Macbeth- this shows the change in him, he’s now arrogant and demanding when he addresses them, compared to the first time with shock and surprise
Explain “o to full of the milk of human kindness”
Lady Macbeth is belittling Macbeth’s masculinity, saying he is too weak and kind to kill the king
What is Iambic pentameter
10 syllables in line of unrhymed poetry. The rhythm of each lime follows a pattern of one unstressed syllables, followed by a stressed one
Shakespeares Tragedy
A main character who is bought to ruin as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness or hubris
Who are Duncan’s sons ?
Malcom and Donaldbain
When is Lady Macbeths soliloquy?
Act 1 Scene 5