macbeth Flashcards
macbeths ambition
stars hide your fires let not light see my black and deepest desires
macbeth symbolising moral consequence of trusting supernatural
the way to dusty death out out brief candle
macbeth proving inevitability of fate
disdaining fortune
unseam from nave to th’ chaps
head fixed upon battlements
macbeths guilt
will all of Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hands
lady macbeth as a catalyst
too full of the milk of human kindness
lady macbeth representing theme of appearance vs reality
look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t
lady macbeth strongly reminiscent of witches
dashed brains out
lady macbeths guilty conscience
out damned spot
thane of fife had a wife
the witches ambiguity
when battles lost and won
the witches as supernatural
double double toil and trouble
witches role parallel to womens role in society
valour of my tongue
the witches as agents of evil
your face my thane is like a book
banquo as antithesis to macbeth
neither beg nor fear your favours nor your hate
(macbeth: rapt withal)
banquos moralistic character
merciful powers restrain me in the cursed thoughts
banquo as epitome of noble
fly good fleance fly fly fly
banquos loyalty
my duties
forever knit
macduff moralistic character
most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope the lords anointed temple
macduff as voice of scotland
new widows howl new orphans cry new sorrows
macduff antithesis to expectation of masculinity
my children too?
macduff as foil to macbeth
macbeth ambition
banquos resistance to ambition
lady macbeths consequence of her ambition
witches act as catalysts to create chaos using macbeths untrenched ambition
macbeths violent behaviour seen as recipient to expectation of masculinity
macbeth emasculated through his guilt and fear
macduff emotional form of manhood presented honourably
macduff brave morals as ideal man
appearance vs reality
Lady Macbeth‘s obstruction of sinful nature
Banquo and his hidden scepticism of Macbeth
Macbeth’s attempt to mask his ambition due to his guilt
The ways in which reality in appearance is manipulated and altered is facilitated through the witches use of ambiguity

Lady Macbeth emasculating Macbeth to manipulate him and therefore goes beyond limits of femininity and against her position in the great chain of being
Lady Macbeth subversion of femininity to escape gender binary to fulfill ambition
The witches role as parallel to woman’s role in society
Lady Macbeth’s rejection of motherhood 
Macbeth to show moral consequence of trusting supernatural
Lady Macbeth being strongly reminiscent of the witches
Banquos resistance to the witches temptation
Witches portrayal of supernatural as agents of evil
kingship vs tyranny 
macbeths violent behaviour foreshadowing his tyrannical behaviour
banquo as epitome of nobility and morality all traits of kingship
macduff as voice of scotland showing devastation of a tyrant displaying the vast impact of a kings reign on a country
True kingship presented by the holiness of Duncans reign seen in the stability of Scotland with Duncan as a pinnacle of justice