macbeth Flashcards
Macbeth feels afraid because something would have to happen to King Duncan for him to become king. He might even have to harm King Duncan.
“make my seated heart knock at my ribs”
when macebth realises malcom is heir to the throne ,he admits he wnats it even tho it is disloyayl.
“my black and deep desires”
shows that he is made a decision not to kill the king then lasy macbeth comes in a chnages his mind once again showing the dominance she has over him
“we will go no further with this buisness”
macebth is seeing signs of guilt and is seeing macbeths blood on the dagger-represents that his actions cannot be undone
“is this a dagger which i see before me”
sleep is a sign of peace
macbeth will now never be at rest because of the actioms he has commited
“sleep no more”
pathetic fallacy to show how anxious macbeth is about his actionms
the weather was “unrurly”
macbeth feels like the job is not done and the crown is still at risk
“We have scorch’d the snake, not killed it”
macbeth has stopped telling his wife information and his plans shows he has become dominaty”
“be innocent of the knowledge”
shows guilt
“Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?”
shows macbeth is still the brave person he was at the start
“I’ll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked”
scorpions-guilty conscience attacking and stinging him
“o full of scorpions is my mind”