Macaulay Duration Flashcards


What is expressed by the Macaulay duration of a bond?

  • the time it takes
  • in years
  • for a bond investor to recover their initial investment
  • taking into account coupon/interest payments
  • and the capital repayment on redemption
  • it is used as a measure of the bonds sensitivity to interest rates
  • for every 1% change in int rates, bond prices will move the opposite way by the amount of the modified duration - a variation of the Macaulay duration

Modified duration - why is the duration of the bond a key indicator

MD = Macaulay duration
1 + GRY

  • MD of a bond estimates how much a bonds price will change if there is a change in interest rates/yields
  • it quantifies the sensitivity of the bond price to changes in GRY and Price - it is a straight line with a direct linear relationship.
  • if MD is 2, then for every 1% rise in yield (GRY), the price will fall by 2% (inverse relationship)
  • However, due to convexity, MD will tend to underestimate rises in value and overestimate falls in value.
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