MAA Final Study Guide Flashcards
Be able to differentiate what must be done, what should be done, and what could be done in order of most important.
A group of people who share a common ancestry, culture, religion, traditions, nationality, language and so on.
Social Factors
All the ways a person is different from others.
Passive communicator
Avoid expressing feelings or opinions, fail to exert themselves, allow others to infringe on their rights, and tend to spend softly. Soft voice, head down, fidget, no eye contact, victim mentality.
Occurrence policy
An insurance policy that covers claims for wrongful acts that occur during the policy year.
Expressed consent
Consent that is given either by spoken word or written word.
Informed consent
A legal process that ensures the patient or guardian understands the treatment and gives the consent for treatment.
Scope of practice
Defined as the range of responsibilities and practice guidelines that determine the boundaries within which a healthcare worker practices.
Lesser criminal offenses; punishable by a fine and jail time less than 1 year
Compensatory Damages
Damages for losses suffered. Losses can be related to loss of income, property, damage, and medical care.
Res Judicata
Latin for “a thing decided”; once a case has been decided by the court, it can not be litigated.
Means to be free from unwanted intrusion.
Covered entity
Healthcare providers, health insurance plans, and claims clearinghouses that transmit ePHI
Standard of care
a legal term that refers to whether the level and quality of patient service provided is the same as what another healthcare worker with similar training and experience in a similar situation would provide.
Risk management
involves techniques used to reduce or eliminate accidental loss to the healthcare facility. It involves identifying, assessing, and controlling risks. Risks can be related to financial issues, legal liabilities, accidents, and electronic data, security threats.
means to do good.
Living will
a written statement detailing a person’s desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent, especially an advanced directive.
means to do no harm.
means to help relieve the symptoms of a serious illness but does not cure.
lying on one’s back/lying on one’s belly.
pertaining to the front/pertaining to the back.
the act of sticking to something.
includes medications, foods, and beverages that interact with the medication.
the time during which the drug is present in the blood at great enough levels to produce a response.
Provider network
an approved list of physicians, hospitals, and other providers.
to make a repayment for an expense or a loss incurred.
to settle or determined judicially.
Voucher check
a voucher check has a detachable voucher form or could be attached to an explanation of benefits. The voucher portion is used to itemize or specify the purpose for which the check was drawn.
guaranteeing payment of a specific amount of money to the payer named on the document by a specific time and signed by the drawer.
a device that delivers an electrical shock to the heart muscle in attempt to restore a normal heartbeat.
Ischemic stroke
occurs when the arterial blood flow to part of the brain is blocked.
Personal ethics
includes an individuals, honesty, fairness, commitment, integrity, and accountability.
The process of sorting patients to determine medical need and the priority of care.
a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.
What is William Harvey known for?
Discovering the circulatory system
What is Sabin and Salk know for?
Sabin and Salk developed a vaccine for polio. Sabin developed the oral live virus for Polio. Salk developed the first safe and effective injection for Polio.
What is important to consider when choosing a uniform?
Professional and business like appearance.
What is typically not part of meeting the standards of care?
Physician’s rights are not part of meeting the standard of care.
This is considered an internal distraction in communication.
Internal distractions can be hunger, pain, anger, tiredness.
This need left unmet could lead to isolation and depression.
Love and belongingness needs.
What are types of nonverbal communication?
Eye contact, touch, gestures, winking, posture, personal space.
What does active listening involve?
Fully concentrating on what is being said.
This type of communicator avoids expressing their feelings or opinions.
Passive communicator.
What need includes knowledge, curiosity and understanding?
Cognitive needs.
What defense mechanism allows a person to have various explanations to justify their response?
This affirmative defense requires the plaintiff to sign informed consent and have knowledge of the procedure and its possible dangers.
Assumption of Risk
This license is granted to a person currently license in another state with the same or stricter standards.
What law prohibits a provider from referring Medicare patients for services were the provider has a financial relationship?
Stark Law aka Physician Self Referral Law.
This act reduced healthcare workers exposure risk to blood-borne pathogens.
Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.
This act provides punitive damages for intentional employment discrimination.
Civil rights act of 1991: provides punitive damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.
What activities are part of risk management?
Assessing risks, identifying risks, and controlling risks.
What kind of organ donation occurs when the donor specifies the person to receive the donation?
Means of egress OSHA standard address what?
Addresses the exit routes in a building.
What is included in OSHA hazard communication standard?
Requires employers to provide information about the chemical hazards in the workplace.
Manipulating genetic material in cells to change traits or produce a specific result is called?
Genetic Engineering.
What stage of grief do you refuse to accept what is happening?
What is the term for a patient having their stomach removed?
What are considered predisposing factors for diseases?
Hereditary or genetic factors, age, gender, environmental factors, and lifestyle.
Give an example of health maintenance coaching you could provide a patient.
Cough, etiquette, and how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Breast, self exam, testicular, self exam, skin, self exam, oral cancer, self exam, and regular screenings, such as blood pressure, bone density, cholesterol, colorectal cancer screening, dental exam, dilated eye exam, lung, cancer, screening, mammogram, Pap, test, prostate cancer, blood glucose test and other screenings to help prevent disease before it is advanced.
With the cognitive domain, how would you assist patients to remember important information?
discussion, written, information, online videos, computer instruction. Keep it simple. Provide easy to read handouts. Use an interpreter and provide handouts in the patient’s primary language if possible. Present info in small chunks in a clear organized manner.
What are secondhand smoke factors you should consider?
Secondhand smoke, causes lung cancer, strokes, low birthweight babies, and heart disease. Children exposed to secondhand smoke have increased risks of sudden infant death syndrome, ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, and asthma.
These are common calls to physicians offices.
Requests for prescription refills, requests for directions, inquiries about bills, inquiries about fees, questions about participating providers, requests for assistance with insurance, radiology and laboratory reports, satisfactory progress reports from patients, routine reports from hospital and other sources, requests for referrals, non-patient related calls.
What is the first thing a patient should hear when calling a physicians office?
Identify the facility.
What should you avoid if a patient calls complaining regarding a fee?
Being evasive about fees. Have a list of fees available you can discuss with patients. Don’t blame others.
What would not be included on the patient information form at check in?
Insurance information, reason for visit, demographic information all would cause a HIPAA, violation date, name, arrival, time, appointment time, appointment with, checkboxes to indicate changes, but no information can be given are HIPAA appropriate features on a sign in form. Patient health information.
Why would a patient fail to show for an appointment?
Some are simply forgetful, inability to pay, or they are in a state of denial about their condition.
What is considered when selecting filing equipment?
Office space, structural considerations, cost of space and equipment, size, type, and volume of records, confidentiality requirements, retrieval speed, and fire protection.
The scheduling is available 24/7 to a patient.
Self scheduling.
Other types of appointments that will need special notation on the schedule are?
Surgeries a provider will perform at a hospital or other facility, consultations, outside appointments, and meetings, house calls.
This process of moving files from active to inactive status.
Why is it important for an office to keep accurate records?
To provide the best possible medical care for the patient, to provide critical information for others, and continuity of care, to provide legal protection, for those who provided care to the patient, to provide statistical information that is helpful to researchers, to provide support for claims reimbursement.
A medical record requires what to be released?
Notice of privacy practices.
What health information exchange allows providers to find/request info on a patient from other providers?
Query based exchange.
What are some ways an office can secure their offices?
The physical barriers like lock doors, bulletproof windows, and security guards. Bright, effective lighting and accessible exits, closed circuit, videos, inside and outside of the building de-escalating areas for patients and visitors. Secure work area for those working alone with panic buttons name badges to identify employees.
An electrical fire requires what type of extinguisher?
C Class extinguisher.
Information on how to alert employees during an emergency as part of this emergency response plan?
Alarms, overhead paging system, automatic calls to police, fire, EMS.
These populations have the most problems metabolizing meditations.
Younger children and older adults may have issues metabolizing meds.
The time it takes for a drug to reach its greatest effect of concentration in the blood is?
These drugs are used to prevent pregnancy?
The use of these drugs does not care or treat, but improve quality of life.
Palliative drugs.
Drugs are metabolized where?
Most drug metabolism occurs in the liver.
The means by which a drug enters the body?
This drug name represents its exact formula.
Chemical name.
The movement of a drug from the blood to the tissue is?
This drug name is utilized to list of medication in the pharmacopeia and national formulary?
Official name.
This referral is usually processed immediately.
Stat referral.
What managed care plan requires pre-authorization?
Primary care in special services are covered under what part of Medicare?
Part B
Diagnostic statements can be found where?
Operative reports, discharge summaries, history, and physical exam reports, reports on ancillary diagnostic services.
What is central health benefits are part of the affordable care act?
It increased the quality, availability, and affordability of private and public health insurance for more than 44 million uninsured Americans. Emergency visits and services, lab visits, prescription drugs.
What is included in a provider net work?
A list of approved, physicians, hospitals, and other providers.
What is typically documented on the explanation of benefits?
A document sent by the insurance company to the provider in the patient explaining the allowed charge amount, the amount, reimbursed for services, and the patient financial responsibilities.
These steps should be performed prior to providing services to a patient.
Obtain/update insurance information.
What box of the CMS 1500 do you find secondary insurance?
Block 11d
Section 2 of the CMS 1500 contains what?
Patient/Insured section.
his is required for a check to be negotiable?
Be written or signed by the drawer, contain a promise, or order to pay a sum of money, be payable on demand, or at a fixed future date.
Reasons you can stop payment on a check?
Loss of a check, disagreement about purchase, disagreement about payment.
What is the most successful collection strategy?
A telephone call at the right time, with the right presentation, is more successful than notes, patient account statements, or collection letters.
What is the first thing you should do when a check is returned NSF?
Call the signer of the check immediately and ask them to stop by the office to pay the amount needed to cover the check and the additional fee.
The Broselow tape does not measure in?
Inches. The length is measured as a specific color. Based on the “color” of the child, the tape lists common medication dosages and emergency equipment sizes that should be used for that size of child. It eliminates the use of reference guide in calculators for medication, dosages.
Partial thickness burns are also called?
Second degree burns
This medication reverses opioid overdoses.
The MA roll with emergency calls and walk-in patients is?
Must follow the facilities screening protocols. Cannot access the patient or give advice. Info collected must be reported to the provider and the provider tells the MA what should be done.
Cold related questions to ask a patient?
What is the person’s age? How long was the person exposed to the cold temperature? What symptoms does the person have? What color is the exposed skin? What is the medical history?
When would you utilize the FAST method?
When you suspect someone of having a stroke.
Our describe who receives 30 compressions to two breaths during two rescuer CPR?
Describe a targeted résumé.
It’s a résumé targeted for a specific position.
How would you list being a graduate of a college program on your résumé?
List the schools name, city, state, the degree, and the year it was obtained.
What could increase your chances of being hired for a position you are qualified for?
Mock interviews can help you refine your interview skills and behavior. Differentiate from others, successfully transfer past experiences to the current job opportunity, show interest and excitement, focus on what the interviewer is saying, do not wing the interview, personally connect with the interviewer, appear qualified for the job, ask enough questions, research the potential employer, have humor, warmth, and personality during the interview, have the appropriate interview attire and grooming, try to fit in the environment, use good grammar.
What should not be included on your résumé?
Do not add clipart or other pictures, personal information, do not lie or exaggerate the truth, do not add unrelated content such as hobbies or interests, do not include “references upon request”, do not use personal pronouns, do not repeat content, do not include any pay/salary information, limit abbreviations. Former Salaries.
What can be used to support claims of an individuals characteristics?
Past job reviews and practicum evaluations.
When are performance appraisals typically performed?
After the probationary period and then annually there after.
What is a 360 degree style review?
In the 360° appraisal, supervisors, gather input from coworkers and others.
These should not be discussed during an interview.
When did you move to the United States? Who will look after your child when he or she is born? What medications are you on? Where do you attend church services? How old are you? Have you ever been arrested?
What records are held at a higher level of confidentiality?
Psychotherapy notes, Substance-abuse information, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) information. Medical Info, Mental Health and Substance Use.
This legislation affects testing performed in a doctors office.
CLIA. Certificate of waiver allows the facility to perform CLIA-waived test, which are simple an accurate with a little risk for error, if done correctly. A urine pregnancy test is a waived test. Certificate for provider performed microscopic procedures allows the provider to perform only specific microscopy procedures, and waived tests.
What employee behaviors are grounds for immediate dismissal?
Embezzlement, insubordination, and violation of patient confidentiality.
The instructions on a prescription bottle are called what?
The Rule of Nines for an adult is what?
Head and Neck (9%)
Chest and Upper Back (9% each)
Arm (9% each)
Abdomen and Lower Back (9% each)
Genital Area (1%)
Leg (18% each)
The Rule of Nines for a child is what?
Head and Neck (21%)
Arms (10% each)
Chest and Abdomen (13%)
Back (13%)
Buttocks and Genitals (6%)
Legs (13.5% each)
A _______ is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and is associated with it?
What are -epi, endo-, and pre- examples of?
How would you index Jill Freeman, M.D. if another patient had the same last name with no title?
Freeman, Jill M.D.