Ma Ville Flashcards
l’hotel de ville
City hall, Town hall
la mairie
City hall, town hall
le musee
The museum
le restaurant
the restaurant
the hospital
the hotel
la poste
the post office
le commissariat de police
the police station
le poste de police
The police station
le palais de justice
The airport
la gare
the train station
le garage
the garage / car park
le parc
the park
the church
la cathedrale
the cathedral
le grand magasin
the department store
le monument
the monument
le cinema
the movie theater/ the cinema
le theatre
the theatre ( for plays and shows)
la salle de spectacle
the theater (for plays and shows)
la tour
the tower
le centre commercial
the mall/shopping center
le stade
the stadium
la piscine
the pool
la plage
the beach
the school
le lycee
the high school
the university
un batiment
a building
le gratte-ciel
the skyscraper
une maison
a house
un appartement
an apartment/flat
la station (de.. bus/metro)
The bus stop/ metro station
la rue
the road
the avenue
le boulevard
the boulevard
the rond-point
the round-about
le carrefour
the intersection
la place
square/court (not in a legal sense)
le pont
the bridge
la route
the street
la voie
the lane of a road
le passage pieton
the crosswalk/ zebra crossing
le trottoir
the sidewalk
the highway/motorway
la ville
the city
le village
the town
le centre ville
downtown/city centre
le banlieu
the suburbs
un quartier
neighbourhood, quarter