M81 - Chapter 8 Claims Flashcards
What specialist service may large brokers offer to assist with claims?
Post Loss Surveys
Helping clients prepare documentation for loss adjuster
Helping with complex claims such as BI
What must a broker do when they receive a claim, but does not have authority to handle?
- Inform the client they cannot handle the claim
2. Promptly notify the insurer
What must a broker do when they receive a claim, when they do have authority?
Act with due care and skill, as per FCA guidelines
The Ministry of Justice requires all PI claims related to RTA, PL or EL claims to be uploaded via a portal by solicitors…..within what limit?
£1,000 - £25,000
Why do brokers not handle claims for volume policies such as Motor?
Questionable value - Another link in the chain
Civil Proceedings - Encourage direct communication between client and insurer
What are the first two steps for a broker when a claim is notified
- Confirm if the claim is covered
2. immediately tell the insurer (unless a special arrangement is in place)
What extra documents would be needed for a life policy, personal accident/sickness or theft claims?
Death Certificate
Medical Certs
Police report
When will a broker get directly involved in a claim?
Minor Property claims
What is the discount rate?
Mechanism for adjusting long term care elements to a claim, offsetting any investment earnings a claimant good achieve.
Liability claims.
How much is the discount rate?
-2.5% since 2017.
For claims notified direct to insurers, what role may the broker take?
Claims advocacy
What is the ECF?
Electronic claims file - For Lloyds, allows how market to view and update on claims
What factors are included in claims analyses?
Rating base
Previous loss estimates ‘Triangulations’
Client structure (Business unit, location, product etc.)
Type of loss
Time of losses
Who are ELTO?
EL Tracing office - Independent group set up within Insurance industry to help trace Insurers for relevant historic claims EG Disease developing in later life
What are the two types of fraud?
Opportunistic - Exaggerated or fabricated claims
Organised - Gangs setting out to defraud, EG Crash for cash schemes
What must a broker do under ICOBS 8 regarding claims
Not put itself in a position of conflict with the customers interest, unless disclosed and consented too by the client.
Promptly notify the claim to the Insurer
A with due care, skill and diligence
What legal obligation does a broker have if they are paid by commission or brokerage?
Deal with all the claims under the policy arranged?
If paid in brokerage, does the broker have to handle claims even if the client has moved to another broker?
Yes, but only for policies set up by them at the time, regardless of the time.