M7: Malware - C.7 Flashcards
To cement key concepts about Malware
Definition of Malware
M7: Malware - C.7
Software purposefully designed to have effects that are not in the users best interest. P. 184
Definition of Harmful software
M7: Malware - C.7
Software that causes some damage, either deliberately (Malware) or inadvertently due to poor design/implementation etc. P. 184
Malware vs Harmful software
M7: Malware - C.7
Harmful software includes software, which inadvertently causes harm, while Malware only includes software that intentionally causes it. Thus Malware is a subcatagory of Harmful software P. 184
What makes Malware hard to detect? Big picture
M7: Malware - C.7
It is often less about what it does and more about what the intent is. Such as a remote desktop connection. It also depends on ones definition of Malware, are adds Malicious or gathering data. P. 185
Definition of Virus
M7: Malware - C.7
A program that can infect other programs or files by modifying them to include a copy of themselves. P. 186
How does a virus work
M7: Malware - C.7
They inject themselves into other programs or files, in such a way that they are executed when the host program is executed. They can coexist or coopt the host depending on design. P. 186
Life cycle of a Virus
M7: Malware - C.7
1) Dormant - waiting for host execution
2) Propagation - when host is executed virus attempts to propagate to other hosts (programs, devices etc)
3) Trigger condition - determines if the conditions are right for payload deployment
4) Payload - The malicious payload is executed. P. 187
Life cycle of a Worm
M7: Malware - C.7
1) Propagation - automatic and continued propagation
3) Trigger condition - determines if the conditions are right for payload deployment
4) Payload - The malicious payload is executed. P. 187
Worm vs Virus
M7: Malware - C.7
Worms propagate automatically - Viruses rely on user interaction
Worms propagate directly over the network - Viruses propagate on and through hosts
Worms exploit software vulnerabilities - Viruses abuse software features or rely on social engineering P. 187
Email-Based Malware
M7: Malware - C.7
Spreads through the email attachments and email infrastructure. Often referred to as Email Virus, Email Worms or Mass-Mailing Worm-Virus. It spread rapidly often using the victims email and contact lists to find new targets. P. 187
Virus infected programs.
M7: Malware - C.7
Viruses either:
1) Prepend virus before code. Retains program. Increasing file size
2) Append virus after code. Retains program. Increasing file size
3) Overwrite from top. Destroys program. Retains file size
4) Overwrite center. Destroys program. Retains file size
5) Other variants exists
P. 187-188
Virus infected Datafiles
M7: Malware - C.7
Modern text files requires special processing to display and are thus vulnerable to virus and/or malware.
Can all viruses be detected by a single program?
M7: Malware - C.7
No. A virus could simply not deploy if it detects an antivirus program.
Virus detection strategies
M7: Malware - C.7
1) Malware signatures - Deny listing
2) Integrity checking - Allow listing
3) Behavioral Signatures
4) Sandboxing
Virus detection - Malware signatures
M7: Malware - C.7
Short byte sequences that identify a program as a known malware. Candidates are compared to known Malware lists.