M6 Flashcards
The motion of a shaft in a circular hole is
an example of ___________ motion.
A. Completely constraint C. Incompletely constraint
B. Free D. Successful constraint
It is an age hardenable wrought alloy which
has mechanical properties comparable to those of heat-
treated alloy steel of the same order of hardness and
resistance to corrosion like that of Monel.
A. R Monel C. KR Monel
B. S Monel D. K Monel
Torsional deflection is a significant
consideration in the design of shaft and the limit should be
in the range of ___ ̲degrees/foot of length.
A. 0.005 to 0.008 C. 0.006 to 0.008
B. 0.08 to 1 D. 0.008 to 1
For a universal joint shaft angle should be
_______ degrees maximum and much less if in high
rotational speed.
A. 12 C. 15
B. 14 D. 16
Shafting up to 3 inches in diameter is usually
made from cold rolled steel and the common biggest
diameter of cold rolled steel is ____.
A. 3.5 inches C. 7 inches
B. 5 inches D. 7.5 inches
It is of good design practice for steel line
shafting to consider a limit to the linear deflection of ______
inch/foot length maximum.
A. 0.01 C. 0.05
B. 0.02 D. 0.06
A property of material which relates the lateral
strains to the longitudinal strain.
A. Deflection C . Poisson’s ratio
B. Elasticity D. Rigidity
The maximum stress to which a material can
be subjected without a trace of any permanent set
remaining upon a complete withdrawal of the stress.
A. Elastic limit C. Rupture stress
B. Proportional limit D. Ultimate stress
The ability of material or metal to resist being
A. Bending strength C. Fatigue strength
B. Compressive strength D. Torsional strength
The U.S standard gage for iron and steel was
established in 1893 which is primarily a weight gage; the
basis is the weight of wrought iron which is at _____ lb/ft3
A. 480 C. 493
B. 490 D. 488
The total deformation measured in the
direction of the line of stress.
A. Axial deformation C. Strain
B. Elongation D. Unit stress
The maximum stress induced in a material
when subjected to alternating or repeated loading without
causing failure.
A. Elastic limit C. Proportional limit
B. Endurance limit D. Rupture strength
The total resistance that a material offers to
an applied load.
A. Elasticity C. Rigidity
B. Flexure D. Stress
The ratio of stress produced by a suddenly
applied load to that produced by the same load gradually
A. 1 C. 4
B. 2 D. 8
In case of a circular shaft subjected to torque
alone, the value of shear stress is:
A. Maximum at the axis C. Uniform throughout
B. Maximum at the surface D. Zero at the axis