M4 Tax Computation and Credits Flashcards
Estimated Payments. An underpayment penalty will be due if the amount owed on the return is how much?
$500 or more
Estimated Payments - amount due for small corporations
1) 100% of current year tax OR
2) 100% of PY tax
*NOTE if PY tax was $0, must take 100% current year
Estimated Payments - amount due for large corporations (taxable income of $1 million or more)
100% of current year tax
When calculating the tax amount, remember to what?? (in regards to the different tax brackets)
Add cumulatively
Which tax credits includes a combination of a bunch of credits (Invsetment, WOTC, R&D, etc.)?
General Business Credit
General Business Credit. Formula
*May not exceed net income tax (regular + AMT - nonrefundable credits) LESS the Greater of:
25% of regular tax liability above $25,000
Tentative Minimum Tax for the year
Tax <25,000> -------- $xx *25% ------- XX,XXX
Unused general business credit carryover rules
1 back, forward 20
Research and Development Credit Calculation.
Total qualified research expenses (Wages + Supplies)
Gross Receipts Limitation
Fixed based percentage * Annual gross average receipts
Minimum Base Amount
GREATER OR gross receipts limit or 50% of qualified
Research & Development Credit
20% * Minimum Base Amount
R&D Credits. Definition of eligible small business who are able to use the R&D credit to offset AMT
less than $50 million in gross receipts for three preceding years
Foreign Tax Credit. Can choose annually …
take either a CREDIT or DEDUCTION
Foreign Tax Credit Calculation - LESSER OF (2)
LESSER OF: 1) Qualified Foreign income taxes paid or accrued GIVEN OR 2) Foreign Tax Credit Limitation a. US Tax Liability * Tax Rate b. Foreign Income/Total Income a * b
Foreign Tax Credit carryover rules
1 back, forward 10
What is the tax for when the corporation doesn’t make enough distributions?
Accumulated Earnings Tax
Accumulated Earnings Tax calculation
1st Business Need: Beg E&P (i.e. expansion) -------------- Beg. Excess 2nd Lifetime Credit 250,000 (Regular Corp) or 150,000 (Service Corp) (from above) --------------------- Remaining Credit 3rd Taxable Income - BEFORE: Dividends Received deduction NOL Charity Deduction Capital Loss carryover
(FEDERAL TOO) (During tax year within 3 and half months consent dividends) ------------------- Accumulated Taxable Income (from 2nd above) --------------------- Current Accum. taxable income *20% -------------------- Accumulated Earnings Tax
Regular corporations are entitled to how much lifetime accumulated earnings?
Personal Service Corporations (PSCs) are entitled to how much lifetime accumulated earnings?
How many taxes for a corporation?
A Corporation will have either a ___ tax or a ___tax
Accumulated Earnings Tax
Personal Holding Company Tax
*All have Regular and AMT plus ONE of the above (3 taxes total)
Personal Holding Company Definition (NIRD MNEMONIC)
N = Net rent (if less than 50% of ordinary gross income)
I = Interest (that is taxable - nontaxable is excluded)
R = Royalties OR
D = Dividends from unrelated domestic corporation
*More than 50% owned by 5 or fewer individuals (directly or indirectly) AND having 60% adjusted ordinary gross income consisting of the above items
Personal Holding Company Tax amount
20% on net income (reduced by federal income taxes and net long-term capital gain) NOT distributed (in addition to the regular and AMT taxes)