m21 | m22 | m23 | m24 Flashcards
What are the three main types of hydrocarbons according to structure?
- alkanes
- alkenes
- alkynes
Why is it important for chemists to know what to call different molecules?
To ensure that everyone is kept on the same page, in terms of chemical nomeclature.
What does IUPAC mean?
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
The IUPAC formed such a committe to do exactly what?
To create a systematic set of rules for naming organic molecules, ensuring global uniformity
Identify the item provided the description.
They only contain carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen single bonds.
True or false: Alkanes are the least saturated carbons due to their single bonds.
They are known to be the saturated hydrocarbons.
Identify the item provided the description.
Alkanes are also known as the…
the bones of organic molecules
There are two types of alkanes, what are these?
- straight-chain alkanes
- branched alkanes
What is the general formula for alkanes?
These are compounds that have the same number and kinds of atoms but differ in structural arrangement.
Constitutional Isomers
Identify the constitutional isomer.
- chicken feet
- equivalent to 2-methylpropane minus a single hydrogen group
Identify the constitutional isomer.
- used when all carbons, except for one form a continuous chain
Identify the constitutional isomer.
- used when the functional group is bonded to a secondary carbon
Identify the constitutional isomer.
- all carbons form an continuous, unbranched linear chain
- has an OH group bonded as one of its substituents
Which prefixes can you ignore conforming to the standard alphabetization of nomenclature?
- tert & sec (go under b with butyl)
- number of identical substituents
When given a cycloalkane along with an hydrocarbon chain, which should be the parent name?
- the one with the longer continuous chain of carbons
What functional group has this configuration: -OH?
Which specific type of alcohol is present in alcholic drinks such as beer and wine?
Ethanol is also known as the byproduct of (?), or the breakdown of sugars into alcohols by yeast enzymes.
This alcohol is also known as wood alcohol.
Which alcohol is known to be the component of rubbing alcohol?
isopropyl alcohol
What other importance does alcohol possess other than being useful in many drugs and organic materials?
They are useful intermmediates in synthesis beacuse they’re easily made and transformed into their functional groups.
When naming alcohols, where should you start?
You start by identifying the longest chain with the -OH group in it and ensure that it has the least locant than other substituents.
When naming alcohols, what do you do when a chiral center is shown?
Assign the stereochemistry of the chiral center and place this designation in front of the name. (R/S configuration)
R - clockwise : S - counterclockwise
What is the general formula for alcohols?
- this is a stepwise process of how the starting material changes into the product
- it shows which bonds are formed and broken and in what order
mechanism of a reaction
What suffix is added to distinguish alkenes?
When naming alkenes, how should you start off?
Find the longest chain that contains the double bond and number the parent chain from the side that reaches the double bond first.
This type of sterochemistry has the identical substituents stick off the same side of the double bond.
cis stereochemistry
This type of sterochemistry has the identical substituents stick off the opposite sides of the double bond.
trans stereochemistry
This system involves the usage of priority lines for different substituents based on their atomic number.
E/Z system
By which priority rules do the E/Z system abide by?
Which E/Z configuration is this?
The high-priority substituents are on the same side of the double bond.
Z - configuration
Which E/Z configuration is this?
The high-priority substituents are on opposite sides of the double bond.
E - configuration
These are molecules that contain triple carbon-carbon bonds.
This is a sequence of two or more individual reactions that converts a starting material into a desired product with a more complicated structure.
multistep synthesis
If you have both an alkene and alkyne in the molecule….
Still, number the chain to give the alkyne the least possible number, then the alkene follows.