M2. Wire Ropes Flashcards
In the selection of wire rope, regular lay
means wires and strands are arranged twisted in ____.
A. Any direction C. The opposite direction
B. The long direction D. The same direction
An extra-flexible hoisting rope application is _______. (ME
BD. OCT. 1999)
A. 6 × 7 C. 6 × 37
B. 6 × 19 D. 7 × 7 IWRC
(ME BD, APR. 1998) All terms and abbreviations deal with
wire rope arrangement except:
A. Preformed C. MPS
B. IWRC D. Lang lay
The factor of safety generally applied
in wire rope design starts at 3-4 for standing rope
application, 5-12 for operating rope and _______ for hazard
to life and properly application like foundry operation.
A. 7-10 C. 10-18
B. 8-10 D. Higher value
The normal density or work space
requirement to use in the design of a work room is _____
cubic feet per person.
A. 334 C. 424
B. 343 D. 442
All concrete or steel building with more than
_____ stories shall be advised to install passenger elevators.
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
The best material for brake drums is:
A. Aluminum C. Steel material
B. Cast iron D. Wrought iron
An elevator wire rope is subjected to:
A. Bending stress C. Tensile stress
B. Compressive stress D. Both A and C
To avoid excessive wear rate, what is the
recommended limiting pressure for 6 x 19 rope for cast iron?
A. 400 psi C. 600 psi
B. 500 psi D. 800 psi
How do you call a fixed crane consisting of a
supported vertical member from which extends a horizontal
swinging arm carrying a trolley hoist or other hoisting
A. Gantry crane C. Overhead crane
B. Jib crane D. Tower crane
The desirable maximum desirable fleet angle of a smooth
drum is:
A. 1° C. 2°
B. 1.5° D. 2.5°
The desirable maximum desirable fleet angle of a grooved
drum is:
A. 1° C. 2°
B. 1.5° D. 2.5°
The minimum suggested design factor of ________ for ropes
miscellaneous hoisting equipment.
A. 5 C. 8
B. 6 D. 10
The wire ropes make contact at ________.
A. Anywhere in the groove of the pulley
B. Bottom of groove of the pulley
C. Sides and bottom of groove of the pulley
D. Sides of groove of the pulley
One of the following materials is not mentioned for wire
rope pulley/sheave applications.
A. Plastic C. Iron
B. Paper D. Copper alloy
Small sheaves are preferred over large sheaves on what
A. Centrifugal force reduction and less expenses
B. Higher cost of small sheaves
C. Increasing centrifugal force in large sheaves
D. None of these
With the lead sheave mounted with its groove on this
center-line, a safe fleet angle is obtained by allowing 30 ft of
lead for each ______ of drum width.
A. 1 ft C. 2 ft
B. 1.5 ft D. 2.5 ft
What is usually the lose factor for most wire ropes and
chains with contact at low speeds?
A. Varies from 1.03 to 1.06 C. Varies from 1.20 to 1.50
B. Varies from 1.07 to 1.10 D. Varies from 1.60 to 1.80
The following are the basic components that make up the
design of a finished wire rope, EXCEPT:
A. Wires and strands C. Core
B. Lubrication D. Sheave diameter
A type of lay of ropes used mainly for special applications.
A. Alternate lay C. Regular lay
B. Lang lay D. Both B and C
A type of lay in ropes that are more resistant to crushing
forces, are more naturally rotation-resistant, and spool
better in a drum than lang lay ropes.
A. Alternate lay C. Both A and B
B. Lang lay D. Regular lay
A type of lay in ropes that is more fatigue-resistance and
more resistant to abrasion.
A. Alternate lay C. Both A and B
B. Lang lay D. Regular lay
Galvanized wire rope is iron coated with4
A. Bronze C. Silver
B. Copper D. Zinc
It consists of two or more wires arranged and twisted in a
specific arrangement.
A. Wire C. Core
B. Strand D. Lay
A type of rope construction used for high-speed elevator
A. 6 × 7 C. 6 × 37
B. 6 × 37 D. 8 × 19
A type of rope construction used for tramway applications.
A. 6 × 7 C. 6 × 37
B. 6 × 19 D. 8 × 19
A type of rope construction used for drilling application.
A. 6 × 7 C. 6 × 37
B. 6 × 19 D. 8 × 19
A type of rope used for haulages, rigging, and guardrails.
A. 6 × 7 + FC C. 6 × 19W + IWRC
B. 7 × 7 + IWRC D. 8 × 19W + IWRC
A type of rope construction used for extra flexible hoisting
A. 6 × 7 C. 6 × 37
B. 6 × 19 D. 8 × 19
To avoid excessive wear rate the recommended limiting
pressure for 6 x 19 rope is ___________ for cast iron.
A. 300 psi C. 700 psi
B. 500 psi D. 900 psi
There shall be one elevator per _____ persons occupying
building other than first floor.
A. 220 C. 180
B. 200 D. 160
By floor area _____ of floor area is average density of
occupancy per person.
A. 6.5 m2 C. 8.5 m2
B. 7.3 m2 D. 9.3 m2
Steel cores are best suited for applications where a fiber
core may not provide adequate support, or in an operating
environment where temperatures could exceed:
A. 160 °F C. 200 °F
B. 180 °F D. 250 °F
A type of rope used for lines, hawsers, overheated cranes,
A. 6 × 7 C. 8 × 19
B. 7 × 7 D. 6 x 37 IWRC
The regular materials for wire rope are made of _______.
A. Alloy steel C. HSLA
B. High-carbon steel D. Tool steel
The ultimate strength of improved plow steel is in the range
of ______.
A. 180 and 240 ksi C. 220 and 260 ksi
B. 240 and 280 ksi D. 250 and 330 ksi
The lobby width between two banks of passenger elevators
must not be less than:
A. 6 ft C. 12 ft
B. 9 ft D. 15 ft
The lobby width between two banks of service elevators
must not be less than:
A. 10 ft C. 14 ft
A 1-1/4 in, 6×27 is used in a mine shaft. The rope can carry a
load of 4 tons per carriage. How many strands are there in
this haulage application?
a. 5 C. 7
b. 6 D. 8
The recommended goal is for the elevator to be able to
move 10-12% of building’s population in five minutes; to
calculate the normal load, you will need to allow _____ ft2 of
space per person.
A. 2.1 C. 2.5
B. 2.3 D. 2.8
The maximum walking distance from patient/visitor
elevators to the most distance check-in area or rest area
with seating must not exceed
A. 90 ft C. 130 ft
B. 110 ft D. 150 ft
Elevatorsxv for patient transport, hospital services and staff
the maximum walking distance from elevators to the entry
door of the most distant patient room must not exceed
76.25 m (250 ft).
A. 250 ft C. 150 ft
B. 200 ft D. 100 ft
Which type of wire rope drum is preferredxvi?
A. Drums with helical grooves C. Both A and B
B. Plain cylindrical drums D. None of these
What is the fastest speed of a high-speed passenger
A. 5 m/s C. 16.5 m/s
B. 9 m/s D. 20.5 m/s