Molecular test require ___ for accurate and consistent test results
optimal specimen handling and processing
Gloves are important, not only as a part of standard precautions in a molecular biology laboratory but also to ___
protect nucleic acids from nuclease degradation from contaminating DNases
How many patient identifiers should be used before collecting a specimen ?
at least two
ID errors can have serious consequences for patients including
missed or delayed diagnosis
incorrect or unnecessary treatment
patient injury
severe transfusion reactions
Reducing patient misidentification could be approached using
nontechnical methods
technical solutions
___ specimens may require a documented chain of custody
forensic specimens
Southern blot or long-range PCR methods that require relatively high-quality DNA are best analyzed from
fresh or frozen samples
Surgical specimens designated for molecular studies if not processed immediately should be ___
snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen
PCR and reverse transcription PCR amplification are routinely performed on
paraffin -embedded tissue samples
____ tissues generally yield lower-quality DNA and RNA
Fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
This type of fixative induces DNA-protein and RNA-protein cross-links
Fixation in un-buffered formalin results in
significant decrease in the quantity of extracted DNA
Fixation in buffered formalin results in
less effective DNA detection
This type of fixative is an excellent fixative for preserving both high molecular weight DNA and RNA with little chemical nucleic acid changes
Ethanol and methanol
This type of fixative is one of the best fixatives for optimum maintenance of nucleic acids, especially high-molecular-weight RNA
Carnoy’s solution
Composition of Carnoy’s solution
60% ethanol
30% chloroform
10% glacial acetic acid
This type of fixative is appropriate for preserving tissue RNA regarding both efficiency of extraction and integrity of extracted total RNA
Methacarn solution
Composition of Methacarn solution
60% methanol
30% chloroform
10% glacial acetic acid
Severe DNA degradation is observed in these fixatives which contain heavy metals
Bouin’s, B5, and Zenker’s solution
It is not recommended to use ___ based fixative for nucleic acid isolation
This is a widely used fixative in electron microscopy
It has been shown that high molecular weight (>50 kb) DNA is preserved better in tissues fixed in ___ in comparison with 10% buffered formalin
0.2M phosphate-buffered 1% glutaraldehyde solution
What specimen and collection tube are preferred for molecular analysis ?
blood or bone marrow specimen
EDTA lavender-cap or ACD yellow cap
What evacuated tube is used for cytogenetic tests ?
Heparin (green cap)
___ evacuated tube has been shown to inhibit enzymes used in molecular analysis, such as reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerases in vitro
Evacuated tube colour: Sodium citrate (tube w polyester gel and density gradient liquid)
Light blue/ black top (cell prep tube)
Evacuated tube colour: Sodium heparin (tube w polyester gel and density gradient liquid)
Red/ Green top (cell prep tube)
Evacuated tube colour: Sodium heparin (freeze dried)
Evacuated tube colour: Sodium heparin
Evacuated tube colour: Tripotassium EDTA (7.5%-15% solution)
Evacuated tube colour: Acid citrate dextrose (ACD) solution
What nucleic acid test is used for light blue/ black top ?
molecular diagnostic testing
**mononuclear cells and platelets are separated from the granulocytes by the polyester gel and density gradient liquid
What nucleic acid test is used for red/green top ?
molecular diagnostic testing
What nucleic acid test is used for red ?
Viral antibody studies
What nucleic acid test is used for green ?
virology studies
What nucleic acid test is used for brown ?
cytogenetic studies
molecular studies
What nucleic acid test is used for lavender ?
molecular biology studies
What nucleic acid test is used for yellow ?
molecular biology studies
cellular studies
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) phenotyping
Paternity testing
If a specimen shows evidence of tampering or is hemolyzed, degraded, clotted, or otherwise compromised what must be done next
technologist must notify the supervisor
__ have been designed to sequester anticoagulants or hemoglobin for more rapid nucleic acid isolation without the inhibitory effects of these substances
buffers and resins
what does the swab come in contact with for oropharyngeal swab tests ?
posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsillar fossa
How to reduce risk of contaminating samples with body flora ?
ensure arms wrist is covered by a cuffed lab coat or disposable arm cuffs
On a working table clean items and bins are stored on which side ?
clean left
bins right