M15 Flashcards
If one could stand in the middle of the useful x-ray beam, catch each individual
x-ray, and measure its energy, one could describe what is known as the
emission spectrum
A plot of the frequency with which characteristic x-rays
are emitted as a function of their energy, this is called
characteristic x-ray
emission spectrum.
Five vertical lines representing _____ and four vertical lines representing _____ are included. The lower energy lines represent
characteristic emissions from the outer electron shells.
K x-rays, L x-rays
is greater than that of lower energy characteristics x-ray because of the nature of the interaction process
The maximum energy of a Bremsstrahlung xray is numerically equal to
The kvp of operation
The total number of x-rays emitted from an x-ray tube could be determined by
adding together the number of x-rays emitted at each energy over the entire
spectrum, a process called
Graphically, the total number of x-rays
emitted is equivalent to the area under the
curve of the x-ray emission
The farther to the right spectrum is,
the higher the effective energy or quality of the x-ray beam.
The larger the area under the curve, the higher is the
x-ray intensity or quantity.
A number of factors under the control of radiographers influence the size and
shape of the x-ray emission spectrum and therefore the
quality and quantity of
the x-ray beam.
If one changes the current from 200 to 400 mA while all other conditions remain
constant, twice as many electrons will flow from the cathode to the anode,
the mAs will be doubled.
In other words, the x-ray emission spectrum will be changed in amplitude but not in
As the _____ , the area under the curve increases to an area
approximating the square of the factor by which kVp was increased.
Accordingly, the x-ray quantity increases with the square of this factor.
kVp is raised