M15 Flashcards
Is a type of government that can help a country get better,but It depends on a few things
Democracy is governed by the rule is law, which means that laws apply equally to everyone including leaders and citizens. No one is above the law,and legal processes ensure fairness, justice,and protection of right
Rule of law
Democracy institution and leaders are accountable to the public with mechanism in place for transparency, oversight,and accountability
Accountability and transparency
Where citizens have the right to choose their leaders through a transparent electoral process
Free and fair elections
Encourage active citizen participation in decision making process governance and public affairs
Citizen participation
Ensuring that all individuals regardless of their background,race,gender,religion,or socioeconomic status have equal rights opportunities and access to public
Equality and inclusion
Is a fundamental principle in democracies, protection of minority rights is equally important.
Majority rules,minority rights
Is a fundamental principle in democracies, protection of minority rights is equally important.
Majority rules,minority rights
Democracies promote peaceful conflict resolution through dialogue negotiation and democratic processes
Peaceful Conflict resolution
Allowing for multiple political parties diverse opinion and competition among different ideas and ideologies
Political pluralism
Allowing for multiple political parties diverse opinion and competition among different ideas and ideologies
Political pluralism
Participate in elections by exercising your right to vote