M100 Flashcards
Decisive Operations
The operation that directly accomplishes the mission
Creates and preserves conditions for the success of the decisive operation through effects on the enemy, other actors, and the terrain
Shaping Operation
Enables the Decisive operation or shaping operations by generating the maintaining combat power
Sustaining Operations
Phases in between reconnaissance and maneuver
Phases of the operations
Designated subordinate unit whos mission at a given point in time is most critical to overall mission success
Main Effort
Designated subordinate unit with a mission that supports the success of the main effort
Support effort
WfF warfighting function in the operations process (CIDREO)
WfF capabilities Integrating processes Deliberate planning Rehearsals Execution of LSCO Operational Assessment
4 Measured components of CUSR (PRST)
(P) Personnel
(R) Readiness (Equipment readiness)
(S) Supply (Equipment on hand)
(T) Training
How are the measured CUSR component assessed
3 Tier YQN?
Three training proficiencies (ICP)
MET proficiency
Weapons Qualification
Collective live-fire
Collective task on which an organization trains to be proficient in its designed capabilities or assigned mission.
MET Mission essential task
A tailored group of mission-essential tasks. The fundamental element that ties what a unit trains to the training assessment and unit readiness
METL Mission essential task list
How are the three training proficiencies Assessed and evaluated and where are they recorded
4 phases in the Army force generation and sustainable readiness process
Plan and prepare Readiness Objectives (RO)
Establish RO
Assess projected readiness
Assess achieve readiness
Army Service component Command are force providers that bring the people. Can be tied to a lot of different people.
Functional Commands are the force handling the fight.
Gives direction and guidance to the Functional commands in a wartime setting
US Army Commander in charge of Land Component that’s not in a joint billet
Fundamentals of readiness
Phases of sustainable Readiness
Phase 1: Plan and Prepare
Phase 2: Establish Readiness objectives
Phase 3: Assess Readiness projections
Phase 4: Assess Readiness achieved
Can the DSB serve as the SACP?
NO, this would come out of the division and employed by the division commander
Divisions are manned, organized, and equipped to serve in what roles
Tactical HQ commanding BDE’s
Joint or MNLC HQ
The JAGIC is located where in the DIV HQ
Joint Air-Ground Integration Center is best located in the Division Current Operations Integration Cell (COIC)
What does it produce
Determine Requirements
Assess capabilities
Mitigate Shortfalls
Concept of Support/Health and human services
4 categories of weapons
Individual weapons
Crew Served
Special purpose
How the Army directs the development, preservation, and provision of ready and responsive forces for employment in support of national military objectives
Force Generation
Training Management Cycle
Identifying training requirements by:
Planning and preparation
Evaluation and assessment
“the ability to project the military element of national power from CONUS or another theater in response to requirements for military operations
Force projection
5 steps of pre-deployment activities
Mission Analysis Force structuring Refine deployment data Prepare the force Schedule movement
process of planning for and obtaining supplies, services, and construction from commercial sources in support of directed operations along with the associated contingency contracting and associated contractor personnel management functions
Operational Control Support
Tasks associated with Force projection
Mobilization Deployment Employment Sustainment Redeployment
Principles of RSOI
1) Unity of Command
2) Synchronization
3) Unit Integrity
4) Balance
Mobility Triad
Ability to project the military instrument of national power from the United States or another theater, in response to the requirements for military operations.
Force Projection