m10 Flashcards
Which of the following is the major
alloying element in Invar?
A. Cooper C. Nickel
B. Vanadium D. Aluminum
Which of the following is available in five
slightly different nominal composition for application which
require high strength, good fabricating and fusing qualities,
immunity to rust, free machining and a corrosion resistance
equivalent to copper?
A. Everdur C. Dynever
B. Silicon D. Titanium
Which of the following is one of the best
methods for increasing a spring’s fatigue life?
1. Stress relieving C. Tempering
2. Shot peening D. Hardening
Spring back metal forming depends on
A. Applied load C. Strain rate
B. Modulus of elasticity D. Modulus of rigidity
) When more than one spring or resisting
member share the load, the relative stiffness is the:
A. Stiffness C. Normal stress
B. Rigidity D. Modulus of elasticity
Steel springs are made of high carbon
steel heat treated and/or cold worked to a high elastic limit
to get good elastic deflection; in general, the carbon content
is at:
A. 0.40% or more C. 0.5% or more
B. 0.45% or more D. 0.66% or more
It is similar to helical springs made for
retracting as opposed to being compressed.
A. Compression spring C. Belleville spring
B. Conical spring D. Extension spring
What is the metal composed of 78%
Nickel, 14% Chromium and 7% Iron?
A. Monel C. Inconel
B. Elgiloy D. None of these
A super-alloy composed of 39-41%
cobalt, 19-21% chromium, 14-16% nickel, 11.3-20.5% iron,
6-8% molybdenum, 1.5-2.5% manganese and 0.15%
maximum carbon used to make springs that are corrosion
resistant and exhibit high strength, ductility, and good
fatigue life.
A. Ni-Span C C. Elgiloy
B. Inconel D. None of these
) If the length of the helical spring is cut
into half, what will happen to its stiffness?
A. Double C. One-half
B. One-fourth D. Remains the same
Which of the following is associated
with compression?
A. Wire drawing C. Tension
B. Extrusion D. Protrusion
The process that is used to improve
fatigue strength and impart residual compressive stress.
A. Cold working C. Tempering
B. Shot peening D. Annealing
Cracks in helical spring used in railway
carriages usually start on the inner side of the coil because
of the fact that it:
A. Is more stretched than the outer side during the
manufacturing process
B. Is subjected to a higher stress than the outer side
C. Is subjected to a higher cyclic loading than the outer
D. Has lower curvature than the outer side
Leaf spring used in the transport
industry is usually in the grade of SAE _____.
A. 1030 C. 1060
B. 1040 D. 1085
Peening is a cold working process in steel
materials that tends to _______ its properties.
A. Make it more ductile C. harden
B. Make it more malleable D. oxidize
) An elastic body whose primary function
is to deflect under load.
A. Clutch C. Brake
B. Stopper D. Spring
The ability to resist deformation under
A. Plasticity C. Stiffness
B. Toughness D. All of the above
) An elastic body whose primary function is to
deflect under load.
A. Brake C. Spring
B. Clutch D. Stopper
Steel springs are made of high carbon
steel heat treated and/or cold worked to a high elastic limit
to get good elastic deflection. In general, the carbon content
is at:
A. 0.40% or more C. 0.65% or more
B. 0.5% or more D. 0.66% or more
Steel spring material is usually hardened
to 400 to 500 BHN and the carbon content is in the range
A. 0.45 to 0.48 % C. 0.96 to 0.97
B. 0.50 to 0.90 % D. None of these
In majority of machine members, the
damping capacity of the material should be:
A. Anything C. Low
B. High D. Zero
The following steels are used for leaf springs applications
A. SAE 1095 C. SAE 6150
B. SAE 3130 D. SAE 9260
It is an alloy steel made of low carbon and phosphorus
content, the strength and ductility is a great choice for
automotive applications, including machined parts,
fasteners, and plated components.
A. SAE 1030 C. SAE 1117
B. SAE 1045 D. SAE 4340
In the calculation of induced shear stress in helical springs,
the Wahl’s correction factor is used to take care of:
A. Combined effect of bending stress and curvature of the
B. Combined effect of torsional shear stress and
transverse shear stress in the wire.
C. Combined effect of transverse shear stress and bending
stresses in the wire
D. Combined effect of transverse shear stress and
curvature of the wire
The fatigue life of stranded-wire springs has been increased
as much as ____ times over the life of conventional springs.
A. Two C. Four
B. Three D. Five
In a spring design, spring index of 7 through 9 is best 4
through 7 and 9 through 16 are often used but spring
index of ______ should be avoided due to difficulties in
A. 4 C. less than 5
B. 5 D. less than 4
In laminated spring (leaf spring), the strips are provided in
different lengths for _______.
A. economy C. reduction in weight
B. equal stress distribution D. improve appearance
The capacity or tendency of sheet metal tries to revert back
into its straight form once it is bentxxv
A. Plasticity C. Stiffness
B. Toughness D. Springback
What are the best proportioned coil spring indices?xxvi
A. 3 to 5 C. 7 to 9
B. 5 to 7 D. 9 to 15
It is a type of coil spring where the helical coil is wrapped
into a circle forming an annular ring. How do you call this
A. Volute spring C. Garter spring
B. Motor spring D. Belleville spring
This alloy is used for springs, a non-magnetic, corrosion
resistant material suitable for sub-zero temperatures and
temperatures up to about 750 °F composed of nickel, iron,
chromium, and cobaltxxvii
A. Elgiloy C. Dynavar
B. Inconel D. Ni-Spac C
Which of the following function/s can a helical spring
A. Absorb shock C. Measure force
B. Store energy D. All of these
What is the name of the longest leaf in a leaf spring?
A. Middle leaf C. Master leaf
B. Center leaf D. None of these
What is the length of the spring if it is compressed
A. Solid length C. Compressed length
B. Free length D. None of these
What is the type of spring used in door hinges?
A. Helical extension spring C. Semielliptical spring
B. Helical torsion spring D. Spiral spring
The pitch of helical spring is defined as axial distance in its
__________ state of the coil.
A. compressed C. uncompressed
B. axial D. biaxial
It is the type of spring used to achieve any linear or nonlinear load-deflection characteristics.
A. Spiral spring C. Coil spring
B. Torsion spring D. Belleville spring
- When the helical extension spring is subjected to axial
tensile force, what is the type of stress induced in the spring?
A. Tensile stress C. Compressive stress
B. Torsional shear stress D. Bending stress
What is the formula to find the solid length for helical
compression springs having square and ground ends?
A. (n + 2)d C. (n + 3)d
B. (n + 1)d D. nd
In a closed helical spring subjected to an axial load, other
quantities remaining the same, if the wire diameter is
doubled and mean radius of the coil is also doubled, then
stiffness of spring when compared to original one will be:
A. Twice C. eightfold
B. Fourfold D. twelvefold
Which of the following devices can be used for measuring
A. Bellows C. Flat spiral spring
B. Diaphragm D. Helical spring