M1, S5, C3 - Overdue Aircraft Flashcards
Overdue action should not be considered in isolation and the emergency actions described in other chapters, in particular radio failure procedures should be applied if they are appropriate.
For example…
…if a radio equipped aircraft fails to make an expected report, continued attempts should be made to re-establish communication while at the same time commencing overdue action.
Overdue action is not related solely to the…
…filing of a flight plan.
If, at any stage of a flight the pilot has made his intentions clear and subsequently does not arrive or report when expected, controllers should seriously consider taking overdue action.
Overdue action described in this chapter must be commenced not later than the times shown in the following paragraphs.
The decision to take overdue action before these times is left to the discretion of the controller. The following points may assist in making the decision:
(1) Type of Aircraft: Strict adherence to the flight plan cannot always be expected of a non-radio light aircraft.
(2) Route: Need for prompt action if the route is over sparsely populated areas, mountainous country, long stretches of water, etc.
(3) Weather: The pilot of a non-radio aircraft might well be expected to extend his flight time by deviating from his planned route to avoid bad weather. Where no additional hazards exist, sufficient time for a deviation should be allowed.
The following preliminary action for a non-radio aircraft shall be commenced not later than 30 minutes after ETA:
(1) Check flight plan for obvious errors in compilation or transmission;
(2) Consult operating company or representative if available;
(3) Confirm ATD with aerodrome of departure using the quickest means of communication;
(4) Inform the ACC supervisor of the situation and in co-ordination with him:
(a) Check with alternate aerodromes;
(b) Send RQS message;
(c) Check with any likely aerodromes on and adjacent to the proposed route of the aircraft.
The following overdue action for a non-radio aircraft shall be commenced not later than 1 hour after ETA:
(1) Notify the parent ACC that the aircraft is now fully overdue and state the action already taken;
(2) In consultation with the ACC supervisor, continue endeavours to trace the aircraft, e.g. notify local police or any other appropriate bodies to be on the lookout for the aircraft if it is assumed that it has made a forced landing in a particular area.
If an aircraft fails to make a position report when expected, the following preliminary action shall be commenced not later than the estimated time for the reporting point plus 30 minutes:
(1) Advise the ACC supervisor that the aircraft is overdue;
(2) Confirm ATD from departure aerodrome by quickest possible means;
(3) Ensure that an RQS message is sent.
The controller at the destination aerodrome shall inform the ACC supervisor that the aircraft is fully overdue if, after the action above…
…no news is received or 1 hour has elapsed since a scheduled position report should have been received, or the fuel carried by the aircraft is considered to be exhausted, whichever is the sooner.
If an aircraft, which has been cleared to commence approach, after completing any necessary holding fails to land within 5 minutes of the estimated time of landing and communication cannot be established, the following action shall be taken:
(1) Alert Approach Radar Control where available;
(2) Request other aircraft flying in the vicinity of the aircraft’s last known position to be on the lookout;
(3) Exercise caution when authorising the movement of aerodrome traffic;
(4) Alert the emergency services in accordance with MATS Part 2;
(5) Check with other aerodromes in vicinity;
(6) If necessary, send RQS message;
(7) Advise the ACC supervisor.
When aircraft are reported overdue, the ACC supervisor shall…
…notify the D&D cell and take the action described below according to the circumstances. The alerting message, which is to be dispatched at the beginning of each phase of emergency, shall be telephoned to the ARCC and confirmed by signal as described in Chapter 6.
When advised by an aerodrome ATSU that a non-radio aircraft has not arrived, the supervisor shall:
(1) assist the aerodrome in completing its preliminary enquiries;
(2) ensure that an RQS message has been sent;
(3) notify the ARCC that the Uncertainty phase exists;
(4) notify area radar units.
Not later than 30 minutes after the beginning of the Uncertainty phase or when advised by an aerodrome ATSU that the aircraft is fully overdue, the supervisor shall:
(1) notify the ARCC that the Alert phase exists;
(2) assist the destination aerodrome in checking with aerodromes on or in the vicinity of the overdue aircraft’s proposed route;
(3) request other aircraft following the overdue aircraft’s proposed route to keep a lookout for it having made a forced landing or crashed.
Not later than 1 hour after the beginning of the Alert phase or when it is considered that the fuel carried by the aircraft is exhausted, the ACC supervisor shall:
(1) notify the ARCC that the Distress phase exists;
(2) give all possible assistance to the ARCC.
Preliminary overdue action for a radio-equipped aircraft, which either fails to make a position report or fails to appear at an aerodrome, shall be commenced as shown in the table overleaf:
Aircraft fails to make a position report when it is expected - Not later than the estimated time for the reporting point plus 30 minutes
Aircraft has been cleared to commence an approach after completing any necessary holding and fails to land within 5 minutes of the estimated time for landing - As soon as the information is received from the aerodrome.
The supervisor shall take the following preliminary action:
(1) Confirm ATD and time of last contact with preceding ATSU (if appropriate);
(2) Ask likely alternate aerodromes whether or not they have any information about the aircraft;
(3) Where applicable, pass relevant information to the next ATSU on the aircraft’s route, who will in turn pass information to succeeding units;
(4) Ensure that an RQS message has been sent;
(5) Notify the ARCC that the Uncertainty phase exists.
Succeeding ATSUs along the proposed route of the aircraft shall…
…follow the above action by endeavouring to establish contact with the aircraft at the appropriate times and shall warn units equipped with ATS surveillance systems to watch for the aircraft