M1 - Origin of the Universe Flashcards
Branch of science that studies non-living systems, in contrast to life science
Physical Science
The branch of astronomy that involves the origin an evolution of the universe, from the formation to today and into the future
When did the formation of the universe started?
Approximately 14 billion years ago
- Black void of space
- All matter and energy
compressed in a space about
the size of a needle point
Formation of the Universe
What are the six origin of the universe?
(1) Eternal Inflation, (2) Oscillation Universe, (3) Plasma Universe, (4) Creationism, (5) Steady State Universe, and (6) Big Bang Theory
The universe is
going though a rapid
expansion called
inflation that has
been going on and
has never stopped
Eternal Inflation
The universe is a
crisscross of huge
electric currents and
gigantic magnetic
Plasma Universe
Consists of a cyclic model
because of the endless
occurrences of explosions
or big bang. This is
followed by a contraction of
the universe called “big
crunches” in order for the
cycle to repeat
The universe is not
only uniform, but
also unchanging in
time, thus it is
Steady State Universe
The universe was
created by a
supreme being
The universe was
created by a
random fluctuation
of a subatomic
particle that
- Describes how the universe
began in a rapid expansion
about 13.7 billion years ago - Offers explanation to a broad
range of phenomena including
the formation of light elements
- Describes how the universe
began in a rapid expansion
about 13.7 billion years ago - Offers explanation to a broad
range of phenomena including
the formation of light elements