M1 L3 Flashcards
1st who sought to explain the nature of light and their argumentation was intimately related to the problem of explaining vision
Greek Philosophers
1st to state a number of important properties about light that are still commonly used, including the rectilinear propagation of light rays and law of reflection
Euclid (300 BC)
Light follows the shortest path
Hero’s Principle
Origin of Law of Refraction
Ptolemy (170 A.D.)
Essential basis of geometrical optics
Euclid + Hero’s + Ptolemy
Sight is restricted to visual cones or pyramids with the apex located pyramids with the apex located at the eye
Geometric Optics
Never succeed in discovering the mechanism involved in vision because they are more focused on geometrical principles
Ancient Greeks
Described the anatomy of the eye on the basis of dissections.
Concluded that vision was produced at the surface of the crystalline lens
“After-images produced after looking for a while at bright objects.”
“Pain felt when looking directly at a bright object.”
Alhazen (1000 A.D.)
Made lenses used for spectacles to correct poor sight caused by presbyopia
Do not explain how it functions and was considered as magical curiosities of no use for serious studies
13th Century Italian Glassworkers
Study the transmission of rays through lenses with geometrical optics
Describe the functions of spectacle lenses
Explains the image that was formed on the retina
Johannes Kepler
Compared the eye to a camera obscura
Leonardo Da Vinci
Combined 2 lenses to facilitate magnified viewing distant objects
16th Century Dutch Spectacle-Makers
1st to acknowledge the scientific importance of telescope and begin produce his own
Galileo Galilei
Light consist of material particles
Democritus + Newton (1704) + Descartes
Mentioned that color could manifest of different angular velocities of rotation of the light particles and that color is a property inherent to the light itself.
Used mechanical analogy of light by assuming that it consist of tiny particles.
Rene Descartes