M1: Cellular Adaptation Flashcards
Type of Pathology that pertains to alterations in specialized organs and organ system
Study of structural changes that underlies disease. Uses molecular, microbiological, immunological and. Morphologic technique.
Type of Pathology that pertains to basic reactions of cells and tissues to abnormal stimuli
Backbone in which diagnosis are made. Cause of the disease (genetic/acquired) A disease can be understood or a treatment plan to be developed.
Etiology: due to bacteria, virus & parasites
Etiology: due to deficiency or overproduction
Etiology: due to mutations or gene variants
Etiology: due to UV rays
Etiology: underlying causes such as multimutagenic factors and environmental factors (cance/atherosclerosis)
Stars from initial to ultimate expression of disease. Sequence of events in response to etiological agent. A link between the specific molecular abnormalities to the specific clinical manifestations, to design new therepaeutic approaches.
Biochemical & Structural alterations in cells that are either characteristic or diagnostic of the etiological process
Molecular & Morphological Changes
Identify the nature and progression of disease by studying morphologic and chemical alterations but has limitations. Molecular, biological & immunologic process in analyzing disease states.
Diagnostic Pathology
Functional consequences. Progress of signs and symptoms and includes prognosis.
Functional Derangement and Clinical Manifestations
Father of Modern Pathology. All forms of disease start with a molecular or structural alterations in cells.
Rudolf Virchow
Normal cell with narrow range of structure and function caused by
Genetic program of Metabolism, Differentiation & Specialization “MDS”
Are more malignant than specialized cells
Undifferentiated cells
Altered physiologic state
Cellular Adaptation (reversible)
Reduced oxygen supply; chemical injury (ischemia) and microbiological infection.
Cellular injury & Cell death
Metabolic alterations. Can be genetic or acquired.
Intracellular accumulations & calcifications
Prolonged life span with cumulative sublethal injury but not enough to cause cell injury
Cellular aging
Cell injury can be reverted back to normal if the stimulus is
Chronic & Progressive stimuli. Downhill.
Irreversible Injury
Two types of Cell Injury
Fatty change & Cellular swelling “FC”
First manifestation. Hydrophobic degeneration.
Cellular swelling
Reversible changes in size, number, phenotype, metabolic activity or functions of cells. New but altered steady state are achieved fpr cell to survive or continue.
Cellular Adaptation
Examples of Reversible Injuries
Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Atrophy & Metaplasia “HHAM”
Increase in cell size & organ size. Occurs in both dividing & non-dividing cells. Can be physiologic or pathologic. Synthesis of more structural components of the cells. Caused by increased functional demand or by stimulation of hormones and growth factors.
Stimulus for Hypertrophy
Increased work load
Abnormal levels of hormones. Enlargement of thyroid gland (excess t3/t4, goiter) Increase functional demand. Chronic hemodynamic overload in left ventricular hypertrophy (hypertension & valvular disease)
Pathologic Hypertrophy
Hormonal increase in uterine size during pregnancy, breast and organs during puberty & breast during lactation. Functional demand increases like skeletal muscles during exercise.
Physiologic Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy results from increased production of
Cellular proteins
Hypertrophy is induced by
Growth factors, Vasoactive agents & Mechanical sensors “GVM”
Two biochemical pathways in Hypertrophy
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway & Signaling downstream of G protein-coupled receptors “PS”
Among the two biochemical pathways of hypertrophy which one is pathologic
Signaling downstream of G protein-coupled receptors
Among the two biochemical pathways of hypertrophy which one is physiologic
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway
Switch of this occurs during adult fetal transition
Contractile proteins
Some genes are expressed in _______ development and re-expressed in hypertrophic cells.
It reaches a limit when enlargement of muscle mass can no longer compensate at regressive changes resulting to
Lysis & Loss of contractile elements
Dies by apoptosis or necrosis
Increase in number of cells & organ mass in cell population capable of dividing. A normal metabolic reaction.
Two types if Hyperplasia
Physiologic & Pathologic
A type of hyperplasia in which there is an increase in tissue mass after damage (after hepatectomy since liver is capable of regenerating)
Physiologic Compensatory Hyperplasia
Excess of hormones (endometrial atypical cancerous hyperplasia & benign prostatic hyperplasia due to the increase number of prostate gland) or growth factors (keloid from excessive collagen/skin deposition & papilloviruses such as warts in the skin)
Pathologic Hyperplasia
A type of hyperplasia in which there is an increase functional capacity of tissue when needed (breast when pregnant or puberty, uterus im pregnancy & proliferative endometrium)
Physiologic Hormonal Hyperplasia
Mechanism of Hyperplasia: Increase of _________.
Growth factor
Mechanism of Hyperplasia: Increase of growth factor _________.
Mechanism of Hyperplasia: Activation of cellular __________.
Signalling pathways
Mechanism of Hyperplasia: Result of __________ driven proliferation of mature cells.
Mechanism of Hyperplasia: Increased output of new cells from ____________.
Tissue stem cells
Reduced size of organ or tissue from decrease in cell size and number. Reduction of metabolic needs for cell survival. Fewer mitochondria, RER & cytoskeleton. Cells may have diminished function, but not yet dead.
Atrophied cells usually die by
Type of Atrophy which is common during early development. Uterus after parturition.
Physiologic Atrophy
Due to diminished blood supply & irreversible injury. Inadequate nutrition, pressure & loss of endocrine stimulation.
Pathologic Atrophy
Pathologic atrophy due to decreased workload
Atrophy of disuse
Pathologic atrophy due to loss of innervation
Denervation atrophy
Atrophy is due from decreased ___________ (reduced metabolic activity) and increased ____________.
Protein synthesis. Protein degradation.
Mechanism of Atrophy: Pathway activated by nutrient deficiency and disuse. Cancer cachexia and responsible for accelerated proteolysis.
Ubiquitin-proteosome pathway
Mechanism of Atrophy: starved cells eat up its own components. Vacuoles fuse with lysosomes.
Increased Autophagy (Autophagic vacuoles)
Mechanism of Atrophy: Increased ___________. (Chronic renal disease with presence of scarring)
Residual bodies
Brown atrophy of the heart
Lipofuscin pigment
Reversible change from one differentiated cell type to another. May initiate malignant transformation in metaplastic epithelium. Reprogramming of stem cells or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells.
Type of Metaplasia: Columnar to squamous (most common) & Squamous to columnar.
Epithelial Metaplasia
Epithelial Metaplasia examples are respiratory tract/ Vitamin A deficiency, Excretory ducts of glands-stones, Endocervix & chronic cervicitis.
Squamous to columnar
An example of Epithelial metaplasia that has a squamous to columnar transition in which if it persist may initiate malignant transformation
Barret Esophagus
Metaplasia is basically a result of
Stem cell reprogramming
Can undergo both hypertrophy & hyperplasia at the same time
Uterus during Pregnancy
Medical term for the specific symptom or landmark of a disease
Normal ventricular thickness
Occurs in both epithelial & mesenchymal tissues
Type of Metaplasia from muscle to bone. Formation of cartilage, bone or adipose in places that do not contain these elements.
Connective tissue metaplasia
Example of a connective tissue metaplasia
Myositia Ossificans
Limits of adaptive responses are exceeded or cells are exposed to injurious agents, deprived of nutrients or by mutations. Suffers irreversible injury if stimulus persists or is severe.
Cell Injury
Causes of Cell Injury
Chemical agents & drugs, Oxygen deprivation, Physical agents, Infectious agents, Immunologic reactions, Nutritional imbalances & Genetic derangements “COPIING”
Reduced aerobic oxidative respiration due to Oxygen deprivation
Hallmark of Reversible Injury
Depletion of ATP & Cellular swelling
In early stages or mild forms of injury. Reduced oxidative phosphorylation with depletion of ATP & cellular swelling. Mitochondria & Cytoskeletom have alterations.
Reversible Injury
With continuing damage. Irreversible. Necrosis & Apoptosis. End result of Autophagy.
Cell death
Digestion of cell. Mainly pathologic.
Cell kills itself
Cellular swelling, fatty change, blebbing of plasma membrane, detachment of ribosomes from ER and clumping of nuclear chromatin.
Reversible Injury
During hypoxic injury there is appearance of liquid vacuoles (toxin & metabolic injury)
Fatty change
Cells are incapable of maintaining homeostasis. Failure of energy-dependent ion pumps.
Cellular swelling
Mechanism of Cell Injury: response depends on ________, _______ and _______ of injury.
Nature, Duration & Severity “NDS”
Mechanism of Cell Injury: Consequences depend on _______, _______ and ________ of the cell.
Type. State. Adaptability.
Mechanism of Cell Injury: Results from different __________ mechanisms acting on several essential cellular components.
Mechanism of Cell Injury: May simultaneously trigger _____________ systems.
Multiple interconnected
Mechanism of Cell Injury: Associated with hypoxic & toxic injury. Reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients, mitochondrial damage & actions of some toxins.
Depletion of ATP
Depletion of ATP: If depletion of 5-10%, Na K ATPase _________(causing swellling), Increase in ________ glycolysis & Influx of ______.
Reduce. Anaerobic. Calcium.
Depletion of ATP: If depletion of 5-10%, Reduction of ________ synthesis, _______ protein response and Irreversible damage to _______ & ________ enzymes.
Protein. Unfolded. Mitochondrial & Lysosomal.
Increase in cytosolic Ca, ROS & O2 deprivation.
Mitochondrial Damage
Mitochondrial Damage: high conductance channel & loss of membrane potential (cyclophilin D)
Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore
Mitochondrial Damage: Activation of apoptotic pathways
Cytochrome C & Caspases
Opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Failuer to generate ATP. Activates phospholipases, proteases, endonucleases and ATPases. Induces apoptosis by activiating caspases and increasing mitochondrial permeability.
Influx of Intracellular Ca & Loss of Ca Homeostasis
Initiate autocatalytic reactions. Disruption of organelles. Mutations and loss of enzymatic activity.
Accumulation of Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals
Are produced normally but are degraded and removed by cellular defense systems. When this increases or when scavenging systems are ineffective, there would be an excess which leads to oxidative stress.
ROS are produced by
Neutrophils & Leukocytes
Molecular oxygen is reduced by transferring 4 electrons to H+ to generate 2 H20 Molecules.
Redox Reaction
Products of Redox Reaction
Superoxide anion, Hydrogen peroxide & Hydroxyl ions “SHH”
Redox Reaction: Absorption of radiant energy. _________ water to OH and H+.
Redox Reaction: __________ of ROS during Inflammation.
Rapid burst
Redox Reaction: __________ of exogenous chemicals or drugs.
Enzymatic metabolism
Redox Reaction: Transition metals like
Copper & Iron
Redox Reaction: As free radical or converted to ONOO
Nitric Oxide
Removal of Free Radicals: block formation or inactivate free radicals
Antioxidants (Vit. E & A)
Removal of Free Radicals: minimized by bonding to storage and transport proteins
Iron & Copper Bonding
Removal of Free Radicals: breakdown H202 and O2
Free radical scavenging systems
Free radical scavenging system: H202 to H2O +O2