M1: Carbohydrates L4 Flashcards
What organ metabolizes the majority of fructose?
The liver.
Write down fructose metabolism in liver.
see lecture 4.1 slide 33
Write down fructose metabolism in muscle.
see lecture 4.1 slide 33
Why would the cell choose to metabolize fructose one way in the liver versus the other?
If the liver needs to make glycerophospholipids and triacylglycerol from glycerol-3-phosphate then it will use the longer path. There is no benefit energy wise between both paths.
If fructose is metabolized in the muscle, when does it converge with the glycolysis pathway?
As fructose-6-phosphate right before the PFK1 regulatory step.
If fructose is metabolized in the liver, when does it converge with the glycolysis pathway?
As GAP (Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) right after PFK1 regulatory step.
In terms of glucose, in the fed state, is the liver an anabolic or catabolic organ?
generates glycogen from glucose for storage
In therms of fructose, in the fed state, how is it metabolized in the liver?
Fructose bypasses the PFK1 regulation to eventually be metabolized into fatty acids.
In non-liver cells (ex: muscle) is fructose metablized in the presence of high [ATP]?
No. in non-liver cells, fructose does not bypass PFK in the glycolysis pathway because it gets metabolized into F6P. Therefore, in abundant [ATP], PFK is inhibited, and F6P will not be metabolized.
Write down galactose metabolism in liver (mostly).
See lecture 4.1 slide 38
What is the point of entry of galactose into glycolysis?
G6P (Glucose-6-phosphate) -> before PFK1
What is galactosemia?
The inability to metabolize galactose due to the mutation of 3 possible enzymes in the galactose metabolism pathway.
What 3 enzymes can be mutated if you have galactosemia and what type of galactosemia goes with the mutation?
- Type 1: galactose-1-phosphate uridylyl transferase mutation
- type 2: galactokinase mutation
- Type 3: UDP-galactose-4-epimerase mutation
Can a galactosemic mother produce milk?
yes, if she has type 1 or 2 galactosemias.
write down the pathway for how a galactosemic mother produce milk?
See lecture 5.1 slide 11
Draw the metabolism of mannose.
See lecture 4.1 slide 43
At what step of glycolysis does mannose metabolite enter?
Fructose-6-phosphate (F6P).